What suggestions do you have for a Brightspace Kickoff event?

Our College recently signed a contract to make Brightspace our new LMS. I'm looking for ideas for what to do at a kickoff event to help get our faculty excited about the transition to Brightspace as we embark on this new adventure Did you have a similar event at your institution?
Best Answer
We broke it up with breaks and Lunch so the kick off was at 10 and we finished at 4 so that it wouldn't be the whole day. We did get a lot of feedback that staff appreciated the day being focussed on just the new VLE and that we had time for Q&A.
We also followed/following this up throughout the year with something we call "mini-bites" where we do 30-45 minute sessions focussing on one tool in Brightspace like Intelligent Agents, Quizzes, or Class Progress to give these tools a spotlight throughout the year and to give staff a chance to ask questions. This helps us catch new starts too.
At North East Scotland College we had a training day for our staff that was all things Brightspace. We had training on the site with Badges and a certificate and encouraged teams to get competitive with each other to be the first in their curriculum team to complete the training. We then created a summary to thank staff for joining us on the day. https://www.canva.com/design/DAF7kED7Pro/P89IBqkCfIi7RL8lAtd1qA/watch?utm_content=DAF7kED7Pro&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
We also had our Student portal move from MyDay to Brightspace and in partnership with our student presidents to introduce the new student information portal we created a Scavenger hunt with QR codes that took the students to the pages and gave them an award (Badge) for completing the scavenger hunt. These might not be appropriate but some ideas to help you get started. -
Thanks, Amy-Louise. Those are great ideas! Love the video, and appreciate you including the link.
Did your faculty find it overwhelming to spend an entire day on Brightspace training?
Thanks again, Amy-Louise.