Configuring email template
How do I add my organization's logo in the email template. When I enter the following script and preview, I don't see the logo/image in the email. <p><img src="https://client.brightspace.com/shared/{name-of-image}" alt="" title="" data-d2l-editor-default-img-style="true"></p>
Page notes
Hi community, Is there a way to see all pages/items that have Notes attached to them? And see all the Notes together? Many thanks, Cait
Common Cartridge & CSS files
Hi there, I'd like to export a course in a common cartridge format. The export was successful, but when the person tried to import it in their LMS, the CSS files were not included in the export. How can I include the templates in that file? Thank you!
Changing an Award Expiry Date after Issue
Hello, Is it possible to change an individual or groups award expiry date after issue. An award has been set up incorrectly with a short expiry date and we wish to extend it by one year. Is there a way you can do this without having to revoke and create a new award? Thank you
Where my classes I applied for business admistration
I can't find my classes o apply for I wanted to do business admistration these websites are confusing considering I'm using a phone to do this on I don't know we're anything is or what I should be looking for please help me
Do you guys provide any support to use this application?
Hi , I am not familiar with the software. In case I need any assistance to work on this application. Please let me know to find the solution to my issues with the software. Kind Regards, Manveer Gill
Highlight in HTML editor
In the HTML editor, there doesn't seem to be a way to highlight text? Is the code to type in so that text can be highlighted? Highlight is not necessarily an accessibility issue since it can often be used as grey scale.
Customer Enablement Newsletter
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what roles and permissions should be given for External Examiners
We need to add an External Examiner role with certain permissions in which student assignments can be accessed but they should not be able to edit/delete/hide from users. They should have read-only access to the assignment section. Please let us know how this can be added to Brightspace
My Professor changed the expiration date to register to a group but I still can't register
Hello everyone, My Professor changed the expiration date to register to a group for one of my class from 1pm to 7pm, but unfortunately the change doesn't appear on my hand, so I still can't join a group. How do I get to make the updated date appear on my own Brightspace? Thank you for your help
Course Log
Hi, Is there a log anywhere to see everything that has been done in a course (who has accessed it and when and for what)?
Completing my profile
How can I add my hometown or social links to my bright space profile?
Media Library Folders?
Will there be a way to create folders within the Media Library? (not counting modules in courses) We want to organize courses by year but the media library does not provide a folder option, just a filter option.
what does in Turini enabled means
doing an assignment looking for my grades and its not graded.
How can we change the name that is displayed on the tab title?
Hi, We recently change our Brightspace URL. I noticed that in the tab title of the browser, the name of our old org unit is still displayed. How can we change that? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
How do I reset a quiz attempt
Hi, How do I find my course. I do not have the same heading shown int he example with the waffle or my courses tab. Thanks, PML
Survey results format
Is there a way to get student survey results in a data-analysis-friendly format? That is, each row of data contains answer for one student, and each column is for one survey question, like this: User Class standing Gender Tattoos? Number of tattoos Politics Handedness GPA Major Beverage Random number States…
Is there somewhere to see information similar to the Class Progress Page for a single student?
Is there somewhere to see information similar to the Class Progress Page for a single student? I like the option of seeing the class summary with Content Completed, Objectives, Logins and Grades, however I am hoping to see this information for each class for a single student. A simple snapshot of how the student is doing…
Analytics of site
Hi all, I'm relatively new to LMS but have to become the subject matter expert to my other colleagues (though not by choice haha).. :D hence this forum is a great life-saver! When instructional designers / instructors test the site by clicking on the the lesson packages, and they clock clicks, eyeball time, quiz scores…