What are the first steps to setting up my Brightspace class? I begin teaching on Monday, 6/10
I am totally new to this and I begin teaching next Monday...what are the first steps in setting up my courses and also transferring my documents from Blackboard?
Grade book - weighted assignments sum to 100% per type (Theory/Lab)
Migrated from Moodle, where the Quizzes are worth 30% of the final course mark (2 at 15% each), and Assignments are worth 70% (20 of them, varying percentages 2-6 each). In Moodle I just entered the weighting of each individual assignment towards the full course mark (2%, 5%, etc.) totaling to 70% for the assignments part…
How to copy one unit into another unit
I have a unit that needs to be transferred into another unit? Is this possile
LTI 1.3 Score POST Fails "User in requested score does not exist"
I have a tool that integrates with D2L via LTI 1.3. While the LTI "Launch" flow works perfectly, I'm running into an issue when trying to post scores to the Line Item where the launch originated from. Assignments and Grade Services is enabled in the external tool settings (in D2L). I've constructed the URL and request body…
Getting a permissions error when trying to use SQL
Is there a way for students to see their final grade during the course?
I can't see to figure out a way to allow the Final Grades to be visible to students during the course. As they submit assessments, I input the grades into the Gradebook tool. Students can see their grades for individual assignments and feedback, but they cannot see their calculated overall grade up to this point. It would…
Troubleshooting deletion of items
Good afternoon, I need some help adjusting my course material. I've tried removing duplicated quizzes by navigating to the Quizzes section, clicking on the tab and selecting delete - I receive a message they are deleted successfully but they didn't delete. Please advise on further steps. Thank you.
How can i add or modify my name on my certificate?
How can i add or modify my name on my certificate?
Can I see data about who is grading assignments in my course?
Hello, I work in a Career Center and we use a non-credit Brightspace course as a way for students to submit resumes, cover letters, etc for review from our staff. These are submitted as Assignments. It would be great if I could see data about who is grading which submissions, how many, when is a heavy traffic time, etc. Is…
Is there a way to add new fonts to the editor dropdown?
We have added a font and it is referenced in our CSS files. It works as the default font in our HTML templates. But, is there a way to add it to the Font drop down so that we can reference it in our Unit pages? We want to ensure our courses use our approved corporate font.
Virtual Classroom Meeting
I cannot find where to start to create the virtual meeting; I cannot find it in the course admin. Is it because it is available only through the premium package?
When adding a video note, can you have the captions set up to be on automatically?
As it stands now, when the teacher adds a video note they can click on allow captions, but when the student watches/listens to the video note they have to click on the cog and select captions. Can it be set up in the organisation that captions are on as a default always?
How do I reorder announcements that appear on my home page so the most recent appears at the top?
How do I reorder announcements that appear on my home page so the most recent appears at the top?
Access to the test brightspace LMS
Hi, I am new to the community. Apologies if this query is not directed to the right channel. We are looking to test our LTI interface with Brightspace. I understand we can use the instance hosted at https://devcop.brightspace.com after joining the Developers group. I have done that, however, the login fails on , Can…
Widget Config for Visual Table of Contents not working
Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to customize the Visual Table of Contents widget, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get my changes to appear. I thought it was a syntax error but when I tried a different one it returns "Invalid JSON." The screenshot I attached is a line I input that seemed to work (in that it…
Sorry, Just making my first post :# if this isn't allowed, I do apologize
Rest api list and json response for all apis ? is there any swagger link available
Rest api list and json response for all apis ? is there any swagger link available
Manage Files and NCE
Hello! In the old Content experience, one was able to Upload a file from a computer to add to a module but then also select the location of that file within Manage files (see attached image). Now in New Content Experience, that functionality is lost. I understand that I can go to Manage Files and then select the Parent…
Calculated Formula questions from Blackboard
Will calculated formula quiz questions successfully copy from Blackboard into Brightspace?
Cannot find "Brightspace Resource Course"
In my early investigation in Brightspace, I came across a page entitle "Brightspace Resource Course" which included two examples "Assign. 1" and "Assign. 2" grading with a very clean and simple rubric. This rubric would be ideal for my courses. Unfortunately, for the life of me, I cannot find that page/resource again! Any…