Is it possible to use intelligent agents to send emails to parents?
We are wondering if it is possible to trigger an email to parents using intelligent agents.
How to set up an automatic email to registrants upon registration to the course
I have an issue where course registrants will register for a course, but not look at the course information where we put additional instructions that is critical for them to access meeting links. Is there a way where I can set up an automatic email to be sent to the registrants urging them to open the course page when they…
Intelligent Agent and Quiz Attempts
Hi there, I have an instructor who has set up a quiz where learners have 3 attempts. The highest score out all three attempts is currently pulled into the gradebook The instructor is looking to have the learners ideally score 100% by the third attempt and to be notified of those who have used all three attempts and still…
Reminders for Discussion Board
I have a two-part question: Is there a way to get the due dates in the Discussion Board to show in the course home calendar? Is there a way to trigger an email or intelligent agent when a due date on an assignment passes? I want it to be independent of the existence of a student submission. Thanks
Intelligent Agent not notifying when submissions are made.
I have tried setting up an intelligent agent that will notify trainers and managers via email of when a submission has been made to the assessment section of that course. I have used the criteria below however whenever a submission is made the Agent doesn't trigger and no notification is sent. Please can anyone point out…
Using Intelligent Agents for Group Enrolment
Hi all! 😀 I'm trying to use an Intelligent Agent to enrol students into a group within the course if they meet particular requirements. However, I am receiving an error saying 'Role in course is required'. Here's a screenshot of the error: Unfortunately there aren't any options in the 'Role in course' drop down item for me…
Intelligent Agent for newly enrolled learners
I have a course where around 2000 students are already enrolled. I used to send a welcome email to the previously enrolled learners manually from my personal email. This is a lot of work, so I want to set up an intelligent agent that will send out an e-mail to learners who are newly enrolled into the course moving forward,…
Intelligent Agents
Hello, I have created IAs in one of my courses and now I want to add the same IAs to all of my 30 courses. How do I do this?
Aside from replacement strings are there other ways to include variable information?
Is there any way in order to create an intelligent agent and copy it across multiple courses and use replacement information other than the basic replacement strings within the email. As in have a (possibly external) database of information and phrases and place them in the email using custom replacement strings. Possibly…
How do you handle Incompletes?
Hello, I was wondering if anyone in the community could provide examples of how they are handling incompletes. For example, we have a number of students (hundreds per semester) who will receive incompletes and get an extension to have extended access to a course to complete assignments etc… if they meet specific criteria.…
Disabling default enrolment email
Some of our courses are created in languages other than English (UK). Currently, we bulk-load non-English speaking users onto the course(s), disable the default English enrolment email that goes out, and have an IA send an alternated one in their native language. Is there a better way to ensure these users receive native…
Intelligent agent for awards earned
Is there a way to set up an intelligent agent to generate a report for a given date range for learner's who have earned an award in a particular org unit?
What rises to the top of your list when using the Intelligent Agent tool? Top = ONE.
I've never used this the IA tool and appreciate hearing proven success examples, thanks.
Intelligent Agent
I am attempting to set up an intelligent agent in a course that will send an email when the criteria are met. When I attempt to edit the "To", I am unable to access the classlist. My only options are systems contacts or personal contacts. Is there a way to bring in that classlist?
Use intelligent agents to encourage completion of a course
Can anyone help me out? We have a 3 part course, where learners achieve 3 badges (one for each part of the course) then a final certificate. A badge is issued using release conditions when they meet the pass mark for each of the 3 assessments. Then a certificate is issued when they have passed all 3 assessments (using the…
Intelligent agent no email to students
Hi I would like to setup an intelligent agents on criteria but that does not trigger an email to students but creates a data report to me as an instructor, is this possible? Kind regards Sukhtinder
Intelligent Agent for Final Grade Below a C
I am trying to create an intelligent agent to notify students when their overall course grades (final calculated grades) are below a C. However, there are no options for this under "release conditions" in the intelligent agent.
"Intelligent agents" vs default reports
I visit my course modules and click on the reports cog, so I can see traffic ina specific course page. When I run an intelligent agent for the same page, I get, systematically, smaller traffic although I look back since the start of the course.