Intelligent agent for awards earned

Is there a way to set up an intelligent agent to generate a report for a given date range for learner's who have earned an award in a particular org unit?
Best Answer
Hi Heather,
Thanks for reaching out to the Community! You may be able to get the information you want from the Awards Dataset in the Data Hub
, if you are able to pull it or have Administrator permissions.As far as creating an Intelligent Agent, you could set one up with the conditions of "Awards earned" and then run a Practice Run (so that no emails are sent, just the list of applicable users updated in the Intelligent Agent area) however you may not be able to specify a certain date here, it would just provide a list of users who have that Award, not based on when they got it. My suggestion to get the information you need would be from the Awards Issued Dataset pulled from the Data Hub!
Thanks, Sarah for your speedy response. We're currently pulling reports monthly from Data Hub for all of our courses, but this can be very tedious. So we were thinking it would be very helpful for an automated "Awards Earned" report to trigger for us. We'll try your Practice Run suggestion to see what we come up with :-)
Thanks again!