Intelligent Agent for newly enrolled learners

Julia.K.597 Posts: 5 🔍
edited November 2023 in Higher Ed / Postsecondary
I have a course where around 2000 students are already enrolled. I used to send a welcome email to the previously enrolled learners manually from my personal email. This is a lot of work, so I want to set up an intelligent agent that will send out an e-mail to learners who are newly enrolled into the course moving forward, however I want to do this without triggering an email to those who have are currently enrolled and already received it from me previously.

Essentially, I want to know if it's possible to set a release condition for an email to be sent out to learners who are only recently enrolled into a course.


  • Hi ,

    I just tested this is my sandbox environment. I found that I could use a release condition "Date of enrollment in current org unit", type "1 day" so the email would send 1 day after enrollment, and select the "Use First Enrollment Date" option. When I completed a practice run, it did capture all the learners in my class as it looked for any user that had been enrolled 1 or more days ago. However, once I added the option to "Take Action Only the first time…" then I was able to create a work-around by running the agents once to capture all learners in the course with NO ACTION. Then I edited the agent to add an email action. When I ran the agent for a second time, zero learners were capture since they had already been capture by the first run of the agent but did not receive an email.

    1. Create agent, do not select an action, enable agent.
    2. Run the agent - you should see a list of all the students that you have sent manual emails to in the past.
    3. Edit the agent to include an action to send an email to the initiating user. Save and close.
    4. Now when the agent runs, any learner that has been enrolled 24 hours ago will receive an email one time.

    I hope this helps! I would suggest testing this is a sandbox course before going live in your course with 2000 learners!


    Alex, D2L