Invalid deep linking response from the tool: Invalid JWT.

Hi all, I am a developer of a LTI tool provider. when i try to use LTI1.3 and deeplink to create a ltirescourcelink type, it have some error.

Here you can see the log
Error ID #49648401432981305023774701209091750179835750405510267506.0
Error processing deep linking return

it just mention the jwt is invalid, but i have no idea about it, so could anybody can help me to check it?

and the jwt looks like this:

"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "faba9c42-7e4a-4c67-9fd6-b8592f491275",
"typ": "JWT"
"": "LtiDeepLinkingResponse",
"": "1.3.0",
"": "UKBG-WiGIfEy-8WdAgxCaII-Ssv8fCttNPdvFWZa5uY~",
"": "05790421-6637-4a0e-a335-6860174bf041",
"iss": "78f54783-05ed-4cba-9369-fa39bd039d9b",
"azp": "78f54783-05ed-4cba-9369-fa39bd039d9b",
"aud": "",
"iat": 1725257114,
"exp": 1725257714,
"nonce": "9555cf7d-bc4f-47da-9912-66049c66bbf3",
"": [
"lineItem": {
"resourceId": "2e77d744-5110-4c0c-ac97-38de21fb6204",
"scoreMaximum": 100
"title": "exam 24090206",
"type": "ltiResourceLink",
"url": "https://test.come/lti/deeplink"

Any comment or idea is appreciated!!!
