Deactivate & request a new site for a course
Hi everyone, While copying content from a previous semester, our gradebook links did not transfer correctly, causing hundreds of grade items to get mixed up. We now have a newly designed course structure that we’d like to copy over. Our plan is to deactivate the current course (so we can still reference previous students'…
Alert for instructors when setting due dates beyond course shell closing date?
Hi, Is it possible to add an alert for instructors when they're setting an assignment due date past the closing date of the course shell? I've had two instructors set due dates past the course shell closing date, and I feel like the confusion and frustration it causes for students could be easily avoided by either an alert…
Restrictions - Sections - Display configurations
Hello D2L community, We created a course but now we want to know how to more effectively restrict our audience to access certain content. We need to grade each user individually, but we have different modules inside the course (3) with scorm objects from which we take grades for quizzes. However, we also have a guide…
"assignment" tool pop-up after student submission = Misleading to students
Hello! When students submit an assignment, the "assignment" tool pops up for them and provides an overview of the assignments completed and which ones are next to complete. That said, this tool is misleading because it gives the students the impression that this is the course outline. Students click and attempt the next…
How do I gain access to Brightspace using my school link?
I log into my student portal and click on Brightspace but it keeps giving me an error message.
Student access to brightspace API
Hi, I want to create a project where users can extract their registered courses, but I do not know if the API allows that access to students or if it's even feasible. Is there any resource I can refer to to find out what API calls I, as a student, can make? Thank you, Manmilan
How do I activate my course?
CFP Canada
Hi I was looking to enroll to take the CFP canada course to become a Certified Finacial Planner (https://www.fpcanada.ca/). I am looking to access the course form abroad before moving to Canada to sit the exam. The help team there have said they are not sure if I will be able to access the course from abroad and that it…
Accommodations for One Student at the Lesson Level?
Quick question to the Community… Is it possible to allow one student to access a Lessons module say a week before it opens to the other students in a course? I know you can setup accommodations for a student in the Assignments, Quizzes but can it be done at the Lessons level? Is there a trick of the trade to allow this?…
Incorrect classes on homepage
How do I remove a class off my dashboard that I am not enrolled in?
How to lock the units in D2L Brightspace New Experience
Hello D2L Community, I am working on a project, and we have made our modules using Articulate. We pasted them into the course shells as SCORM Objects with a window player. We use new learner experience. The challenge we are facing is that we require a passing score in a final quiz of the modules (we have 3). However, with…
where is my class
I cannot find my college courses on here? I need this program for my physics course.
How do I log into Bright space to complete a course as a student at Wilkes University?
How can I access my courses and view the textbooks?
Blackboard to Brightspace
I am a CUNY faculty member: I want to know how to combine two or three classes because often I have cross listed courses. Thank you MC
Hi I am trying to create an account with Brightspace for an online course
Hi I am trying to create an account with Brightspace for an online course I wish to do through Derby University, unfortunately after receiving a verification code, I received the following error message - Single Sign-On Error, are you able to help me to log on ?. Many thanks for your help, Kind regards Andy P
An assignment activity was completed but not reflecting in grade?
Are Welcome Windows recurring or do they only appear when a student visits the course initially?
Do welcome widgets pop up every time a student enters the course or does it only pop up when the stduent opens the course for the first time? If it only pops up the first time, is it possible to configure it to pop up every time a student enters the course?
Is it possible to set up one navbar at a brand level and have it automatically push to all org units
I would like to create a standard navbar (a standard but customised navbar for each brand) for multiple different brands under my institution (one institution basically owns multiple college brands and all their various campuses) and have the same navbar applied to all the courses under the specific brand. Unfortunately…
View course progress with the Class Progress tool (Learner Tutorial Page)
Hello, Can the Learner "View course progress with the Class Progress tool" tutorial webpage include the current "Class Progress Overview" video (https://youtu.be/FGjB0oMu92k?si=bqvJR6IFlaGELO7a). It has the old videos still on the page. Thank you!