QType — Description — Need to a break between Sections when there are no Questions in a the Section
I need students to be able to read some text. Then move to a new Section (next page) with questions. I can only add my reading to a new Section, but even though I create a new Section (and have selected "Add page break after every section") — there is no page break between the two. I have found if I add a Section with a…
Links in rubrics no longer work for Learners
When I am logged into BS as a Super Admin and I go to Course Admin, Rubrics and I click on a link in a rubric it works. When I click on the same link as a Learner in Assignments it doesn't work. This is a new issue, it started happening a few weeks ago. This is the rubric with the links: This is the error message I get as…
New assignment and new comment notification icons gone
Hi, all of a sudden red icons that appeared on each of our courses notifying us of how many new assignments and new comments were posted are gone so now instructors have to get into grading inside the course to see new assignments. Any help with bringing those notification icons back? I'm attaching a screenshot of what it…
AI statement prompt
This is a shot-in-the-dark question but I think it would serve folks beyond me and my class. Here's what I would love to see and why. Over the last year, I've had a moving target policy regarding AI use in essay writing for assignments. I allow students to use AI in certain contexts (which I outline in my syllabus and in…
Institutional Policy for LMS
Does your institution have a specific learning management system policy in place? We have recently had some questions about information access and we are now working on our own Learning Management System policy, but we are curious how other Brightspace users have dealt with the issue of LMS policy. Would anyone be willing…
How to use APIs in Custom Widgets
I am attempting to use this endpoint: https://(our brightspace sandbox).brightspace.com/d2l/api/lp/1.9/enrollments/users/(test user ID that exists and has valid enrollments)/orgUnits Purpose - Create a Custom Widget that will allow students to see any Inactive Courses they are enrolled in by parsing JSON responses to pull…
How to set up Row level security for datasets in Analytics Builder
Hi, I have been trying to set up RLS on a custom built dataset used across multiple dashboards. The RLS setup described in the AWS documentation (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quicksight/latest/user/restrict-access-to-a-data-set-using-row-level-security.html) does not result in expected behaviour. As an owner of the…
Is there a way to export an entire class' marks broken down by rubric criterion for an assignment?
I associated a rubric with an assignment. The gradebook shows the summation of the rubric marks, but I'd like a spreadsheet with the grades for every student and what they received for each criterion. Is this possible in D2L? I am an instructor.
What role permissions are needed to prevent the "Not Authorized" API response?
I have an LTI 1.1 app in brightspace that performs the following actions and I need to know what Role Permissions (I created a custom API Service Account role) I need to not get the "Not Authorized" message in my API response when performing the below actions. - Create a user - Delete a user - Enroll a user into a Course…