Assignment deleted becore un-linking from grade book, cannot delete the column from grade book
An instructor was re-arranging some assignments in a Brightspace course. An Assignment that was linked to the grade book was removed as it was no longer needed. The Assignment, hwoever, was removed without un-linking it from the grade book. As a result, the corresponding column was left behind in the grade book, still has…
Can grade settings be set at the individual grade item level?
Is there a way to keep the overall gradebook in D2L set to drop ungraded items but let the instructor select certain grade items to treat as 0? For example, after an assignment is past due, the instructor could set only that item to treat ungraded items as 0.
Grades API forbidden
hi..i'm tryin to fetch grades of a particular student using this url "{{domain}}/d2l/api/le/{{versionG}}/{{oid}}/grades/values/{{userId}}/ " , but its giving me a 403 which is forbidden, can anyone help me with it…. thank you.
Excluding demo or test student accounts from displaying in the grade statistics
Hi, The view statistics option for grade items is a useful feature. However, at our university we have a demo student account (and often other test accounts or similar) that need to be excluded from any final statistics. Is there a simple way to exclude the data from test accounts? Our demo account is automatically…
How can I connect grades with assignments and not get a billion rows of data?
How to lock the units in D2L Brightspace New Experience
Hello D2L Community, I am working on a project, and we have made our modules using Articulate. We pasted them into the course shells as SCORM Objects with a window player. We use new learner experience. The challenge we are facing is that we require a passing score in a final quiz of the modules (we have 3). However, with…
Intelligent agent - faculty grading reminder
Is there an intelligent agent option that can remind faculty to grade work that remains ungraded after a certain number of days? Or any other ideas on how to automate this task?
Quiz score is a whole number, student scores end up with decimal places in the grade book
An Instructor recently held a series of quizzes as part of a final exam. The quiz was imported from a Blackboard course package along with all other course content. One of the original quizzes had one extra question for zero (0) points to solicit student feedback in a short answer question at the end of the quiz for a…
Can an admin see previous versions of an instructors feedback?
I'm trying to help the dean with a student issue, the student claims he received earlier feedback for several assignments, that he was on track and had earned full credit. Then, according to the student, the grade was changed on the morning of January 18th by the professor. Is there a way to check and see if feedback was…
POST Create Grade Item
I was in the wrong area when I posted this question the first time. Hopefully this time its being posted to the Development group. I have tried many combinations for sending data to create a gradebook item but I get the same error message. I have checked and rechecked the documentation and it appears to be correct. Anyone…
resubmit an assignment or discussion
IN many cases, I have told students to resubmit an assignment or discussion for various reasons, usually they did the wrong thing, wrong file or some other mistake due to an error can they resubmit something that I have already graded? what happens to the prior submission? does the grade book know to replace old submission…
How to reorder gradebook items
I want to change the way my gradebook is set up. Currently everything is organized by categories, like Assigned Work (which contains the majority of the items), Weekly Tests, Extra Credit. But I want the items to appear instead in the order students complete them each week, like the first assignment in Week 1, the second…
Real time, ongoing grade earned (for student view)
I believe in providing my students with visibility into their grades throughout the semester, so they always know where they stand rather than waiting until the end of the term. However, I’m encountering an issue and would appreciate guidance. Currently, when I view the gradebook settings, it appears that the grades are…
Extra credit in gradebook
Hello, We are brandnew to this system so I am learning. In weeks 1 and 2 of my online course I allow students to submit an email to me that shows they went through the Syllabus (I have a hidden gem in it which asks them to email me 3 things they learned, any outstanding questions they have, etc). I am unsure how to set…
calculate final grade for students excused from a test
If we need to add points to the final exam weight for students who were excused from a term test, besides manually adjusting grade for these students, is there a feature in bs to do this for us? can we request it? thanks Charmaine
Settings for rubric when grading within gradebook
I'm wondering what settings need to be put in place if an academic will be marking within gradebook - I have a rubric for participation and there is no assignment, so I'm hoping to attach the rubric to the grade item so it can be graded within gradebook itself. I don't want to set up a separate assessment and link to…
How to create a Formula item in the grade book that drops 2 of the lowest quiz scores
Hello, An instructor wants to add a Formula item that: (1) Drops the two lowest quiz scores from Category A (Note: There are seven quizzes in Category A) (2) Averages the "Category A subtotal" and "Category B subtotal" I would greatly appreciate any guidance you can give me.
Gradebook Export to Excel Missing Columns for Exams
1/4/2025 Hello I am at University of La Verne setting up a course in economics on D2L Brightspace. I export/download the gradebook to an Excel file, but the two (in-class) exams that I have included in the assignment list do not export as columns in Excel. These do appear in the gradebook on the D2L Brightspace platform.…
Can I set up negative points for attendance?
Hello, I am wanting to set up a way to create negative points for attendance. Students will not earn any points for attending class, but they will lose points for being absent. The points lost will come from the final grade total. Could I get a walk-through on how to set this up?
Bulk Add Copied Assignments to Gradebook?
I've copied a course over from a previous semester's version. The date shift feature was a huge help. Now, though, it seems that I have to manually, one-by-one, click to edit each individual assignment, and click to add it to the gradebook. There should be a bulk edit option to add all to gradebook at once. Otherwise, this…