Deactivate & request a new site for a course
Hi everyone, While copying content from a previous semester, our gradebook links did not transfer correctly, causing hundreds of grade items to get mixed up. We now have a newly designed course structure that we’d like to copy over. Our plan is to deactivate the current course (so we can still reference previous students'…
Trying to determine cumulative grade
I have been reading the posts about final grades and viewed the video, but I think I may be missing something. I want the cumulative grade "so far" to appear BUT the grades I'm seeing seems to be calculated on the work done so far, divided by the points of the assignments completed. For example: Why isn't the denominator…
Gradebook interface --sliding nav bar?
Hello, There's a professor who is experiencing a weird phenomenon of the Navbar sliding away as he gets from one side of the gradebook to the other (as shown in the attached video). Anyone know why this is happening? Thanks!
Grading option
How do I assignment a grading section to an assignment for examiners to enter their marks. How to use the gradebook and connect it to an assignment. Thanks Ome
0-4 Grading Schemes
We have several large departments that are using and want to use a 0-4 style grading scheme (Based on the book Grading For Equity). We've found a clunky way to almost accomplish this with a custom grading scheme, but it still relies on percentages (and makes them visible), defeating the original intent. Has anyone found a…
Grading Interface Consistency
Is there a reason "private feedback" option is only available when Instructors visit grading option via the Gradebook and not via the assessment's grading option or even via quick eval?
Displaying a Text Grade to Students
Hi, I was assisting an instructor who created a Text item in her Grade Book and entered letter grades for her students. This was just a standalone column not associated with a scheme. From the students' perspective, they could see the title of the text item in their grades but they couldn't see the letter grade entered by…
Quizzes in which all questions are toggled to "Bonus" do not publish any score to gradebook
We had a faculty member notice some odd behavior recently: while attempting to make an extra-credit quiz, they toggled all of the questions as bonus questions. When attempts are submitted on this quiz, no points appear in the gradebook, only showing a dash (-): Checking the student's submission shows that it did record the…
Grade colored red in gradebook
I have 1 student in Grade book who is colored red in the final calculated grades. the students grade is not the lowest in the gradebook but it is the only one colored. can you explain or help me?
Assignment deleted becore un-linking from grade book, cannot delete the column from grade book
An instructor was re-arranging some assignments in a Brightspace course. An Assignment that was linked to the grade book was removed as it was no longer needed. The Assignment, hwoever, was removed without un-linking it from the grade book. As a result, the corresponding column was left behind in the grade book, still has…
Excluding demo or test student accounts from displaying in the grade statistics
Hi, The view statistics option for grade items is a useful feature. However, at our university we have a demo student account (and often other test accounts or similar) that need to be excluded from any final statistics. Is there a simple way to exclude the data from test accounts? Our demo account is automatically…
Weight for Bonus Item in Grade Category
Hi Everyone, What weight should a bonus item in a weighted category be assigned? Thanks in advance.
Grades API forbidden
hi..i'm tryin to fetch grades of a particular student using this url "{{domain}}/d2l/api/le/{{versionG}}/{{oid}}/grades/values/{{userId}}/ " , but its giving me a 403 which is forbidden, can anyone help me with it…. thank you.
Can grade settings be set at the individual grade item level?
Is there a way to keep the overall gradebook in D2L set to drop ungraded items but let the instructor select certain grade items to treat as 0? For example, after an assignment is past due, the instructor could set only that item to treat ungraded items as 0.
How can I connect grades with assignments and not get a billion rows of data?
How to lock the units in D2L Brightspace New Experience
Hello D2L Community, I am working on a project, and we have made our modules using Articulate. We pasted them into the course shells as SCORM Objects with a window player. We use new learner experience. The challenge we are facing is that we require a passing score in a final quiz of the modules (we have 3). However, with…
Intelligent agent - faculty grading reminder
Is there an intelligent agent option that can remind faculty to grade work that remains ungraded after a certain number of days? Or any other ideas on how to automate this task?
Quiz score is a whole number, student scores end up with decimal places in the grade book
An Instructor recently held a series of quizzes as part of a final exam. The quiz was imported from a Blackboard course package along with all other course content. One of the original quizzes had one extra question for zero (0) points to solicit student feedback in a short answer question at the end of the quiz for a…
Can an admin see previous versions of an instructors feedback?
I'm trying to help the dean with a student issue, the student claims he received earlier feedback for several assignments, that he was on track and had earned full credit. Then, according to the student, the grade was changed on the morning of January 18th by the professor. Is there a way to check and see if feedback was…