Has anyone hosted live events with their students (i.e trivia quizzes for socialisation purposes)?
I'm exploring the idea of hosting live events on our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to enhance social interaction and engagement rather than focusing solely on assessing course content knowledge. I’m curious if others have experience with this or are implementing something similar. What platform or video conferencing…
Community Events 🎫
Hey Brightspace Community Members! Don't miss out on all the fun we have during our Community Events! Stay tuned and "Bookmark" this discussion thread. The Community Crew will be posting "Event Alerts 🚨" here so you can get in-platform and email reminders when an Event is coming up. (Set your notification preferences) Jump…
getting started as a student
Hello community I am doing the tours and just wanted to test out this feature as a test.
Community Updates
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Welcome to the Brightspace Community! Have questions about how to use this space? Check out our Community Corner Knowledge Base for more information! Getting Started With Community - Brightspace (d2l.com) Need a helping hand with something? You're very welcome to post in this thread and be sure to introduce yourself too!
Ignite the Joy of Learning: FUSION 2025
We're so excited to announce that D2L's annual Fusion conference is right around the corner, and it's shaping up to be something special! Prepare for an unforgettable event, ripe with opportunities to network with peers and experts from around the world, discover the latest innovations in learning and explore your passion…
Brightspace Community?
How do instructors know about Brightspace Community and its offerings, features, etc.? It's a valuable resource but I fear many/most Brightspace instructors are unaware of its presence.
The content selection window opens as a modal?
the content selection window opens as a modal only? Can I change it configurations? can I open the content selection view in a new window?
Uploading Word Project Assignments from a Mobile Device Using Copilot 365 & OneDrive
My Question is: now that Microsoft is using Microsoft 365 and they are recommending using Copilot 365 for Mobile devices - when you create a Word document it automatically saves to the OneDrive. Is there a way to access the OneDrive from a Project assignment submission screen on a mobile device? Or does the actual file…
How Can VoIP Solutions Enhance Communication in Educational Platforms Like Brightspace?
I'm exploring how VoIP technology can enhance communication tools within educational platforms like Brightspace. Has anyone implemented VoIP solutions to improve engagement or streamline communication within their institution? What are your thoughts on wholesale VoIP providers, and how can they play a role in supporting…
why does a paper in grading window appear in a different font than it was submitted in?
Rubric on quiz question not avilble when grading by question
I have two written response questions as the last two questions on the exam. I have set the questions up with a grading rubric. The two questions are the only questions I need to manually grade. When I go to grade by question I get this message: Can someone explain how to efficiently manually grade 2 questions on an exam…
Lumi Chat Live in the ASC Portal
We're connecting our Approved Support Contacts (ASCs) to the best version of chat we've ever offered! In addition to being able to connect directly with an expert, you'll also have access to a generative AI powered search right from the chat tool. Generative AI in this tool means you won't just see recommendations for…
Quiz Options
Hi! We are new to Brightspace (coming from Blackboard). One of our faculty members would like to alter the points of a quiz AFTER it has been taken. For example, if 12 of her 15 students get a question wrong, she wants to remove it from the quiz or remove points from that question. In Bb, you can do this. Can it be done in…