May I use Brightspace as my LMS for my own web application?
Hello community. I'm trying to build an educative course for my university and I don't want to place it on Brightspace, I want to make it as external tool. There's a way I could use Brightspace as a bridge between Educaplay/Kahoot to my web application so I can save the results and update them on my own database? Thank you!
New Experience - SCORM Object Displaying Layout
Hello D2L community, I would like to ask if there is a workaround of the issue with the displaying of a SCORM (2004, 2nd ed) Object in a new experience configuration. The main point for us to use the new experience for learners was to make videos in a full-screen mode available. However, placing the SCORM object as an…
Would it be possible to add a function for the user/learner to hide previous courses/modules?
Others have had this issue and so far, no easily accessible built in solution has been found. While one can pin their current courses, being able to hide previous courses will vastly improve the user experience. Specifically, one year ago TheFoxKing06 on Reddit indicated they “would like to clean up [their] calendar so…
How can I turn spellcheck on (for announcements and discussions)?
I thought spellcheck was always on but I am working with an academic who cannot turn spellcheck on for announcements and discussions (or HTML pages for that matter). THe browser spell check is turned on too. It means every time he wants to type an announcement, he must first type it in word and then copy and paste over.…
Why is D2L using poor UX design with nested frame-based user interfaces
It is known issue, especially, on Lenovo laptops, that on some features the frame within a frame within a frame code design does not allow a user to scroll down to click the Add or Submit or Allow buttons. I gave an exam on Friday using the Video Record option in a Written Response Quiz Question with my English language…
Submission View for multiple choice questions in Quizzes is not intuitive
Here’s the submission view for a multiple choice question on a quiz I took recently: This does not feel very intuitive. I asked a few of my friends, and they also said that they also have a hard time deciphering their feedback on multiple choice quiz questions. It’s also not very accessible as a result. Keeping it’s…
How do I link lessons in D2L to my google classroom?
Can the docReader tool be available when marking submissions?
Hello there, Is it possible for an instructor to use Brightspace's built-in text-to-speech tools when marking assignments? We have docReader and ReadSpeaker available in different areas of our institution's Brightspace, but it seems that neither tool is available for the instructor to listen to uploaded document…
Printer Friendly D2L Quizzes
Hello, I am required to print my digital D2L quizzes, for a student whose accommodation requires paper copies of assessments. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a print option directly from D2L. The two workarounds that we have been provided: 1 - D2L says to print-screen and paste into a Word document. This does not…
We recently had an incident where a scientific term was not accurately recognized in the captioning. The result was a derogatory term in the text. Can anyone offer tips to get the most accurate captions?
Accessibility and Colour contrast of New Learner Experience, Visual Table of Contents widget
Hello, We've recently had an accessibility audit and there has been various colour contrasts that don't meet minimum standards and need a higher contrast. However the following aspects I can't work out where we could edit the settings to change the colours: New Learner Experience - the navigation on the left hand side…
Background music is D2L tutorial videos on YouTube is annoying
Hello, I have a comment/suggestion regarding the D2L tutorials on YouTube. The newer videos have background music that is too loud, distracting and unnecessary.
Request to expand Documentation on Accessibility and the Editor (Tables)
As I read through the documentation on the Brightspace Editor, I realized a gap in documentation relating to accessibility. There is no documentation to guide users through how to build an accessible table in the page editor. Sure, the accessibility checker catches some errors but is difficult for entry-level users to make…
NEW Brightspace Toolkit for Accessibility in UDL Course!
The Brightspace Learning Center is proud to announce a new offering we've added to our list of amazing resources on Accessibility! About the course This course is for people who want to be mindful of accessibility practices when they adopt Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in their learning context. It will help you…
24 Hour Clock in D2L
How do I change my settings so that my assignment due dates are shown in the standard 24 hour format? I've been using the 24 hour clock for 18 years, and honestly, it's really hard to use AM/PM now. For me it's an accessibility thing, just like needing to use the Dvorak keyboard.
Does D2L automatically have Readspeak?
Hello, I am new to Brightspace and D2L. I work in British Columbia Canada in an online High School. I have a student who would benefit greatly from a text-to-talk program for Life Sciences 11 (Biology 11). Does the D2L/Brightspace package automatically come with text-to-talk abilities or does the student have to download…