Brightspace Data Sets Updates
Hi BDS lovers! Bookmark this discussion to receive an automated email when new Brightspace Data Sets updates are announced in Keeping on top of Brightspace Data Sets updates. If you have questions about these announcements, we’d love to hear from you in this thread!
Any experience with Learning Outcomes and Brightspace Data Sets?
We have set up our program learning outcomes in the Learning Outcomes tool within Brightspace. We don't have the premier version of Brightspace with the dashboards, so are stuck with the 14+ Brightspace Data Sets we need to join to help us collect information. Problem is: the Outcomes Details data set doesn't seem to be…
Announcements Data Set - IsPinned flag?
Are there plans to add a field to the Announcements Brightspace Data Set to indicate if it is a pinned announcement or not?
Grades API forbidden
hi..i'm tryin to fetch grades of a particular student using this url "{{domain}}/d2l/api/le/{{versionG}}/{{oid}}/grades/values/{{userId}}/ " , but its giving me a 403 which is forbidden, can anyone help me with it…. thank you.
When I download assignment information from data hub how can I match this to users?
Is there a way to pull survey data for multiple courses through the data hub?
The Advanced Data Set for Survey Results looks to pull only one Org unit ID at a time. Any information is appreciated. Thank you, Kathleen Benn
Stuck In Refresh
So, I found that on the refresh page you can find the number of rows generated by a dataset. This help to determine if the Dataset build was at least reasonable. But what do you do when it gets caught in 30+ min refresh loop. It would help if the standard D2L datasets shows the number of rows so I could set an upper limit…
Scope for OAuth2.0 to Access Advanced Data Sets
I need to know what scope I should use in OAuth2.0 setup to allow API access to advanced data sets. I have set up a legacy scope of core:*: datahub:*: but it allows the API user access to Brightspace Data Sets only, no reports that are labeled as Advanced Data Sets will pull through. I have read the API Authentication…
How to Pull Data for New Users Created
Hello, Can someone please tell me how to pull data for new user accounts created within a Brightspace environment? Some context- I am trying to stay on top of new instructors teaching classes for the first time. Thank you very much!
Unable to find any way to export/import course offerings in bulk using CSV
Hi Community, I need to export all course offerings information (eg:- name, code start date, end date etc) in CSV from my D2l instance. But i am not able to find such feature. I tried giving permissions related to bulk course import/export. But unable to find the exact steps. Plese help me out if any one know about such…
Thank you! Going to developer community now!
Thanks! I appreciate the re-route!
User login data
Is it possible to pull user login data for a whole year? I've gone into data hub and can see the data set for user login but it seems to do it by day. I want to pull an average of how often people are logging in every week but don't massively want to have to do it via loads of spreadsheets. It also seems to only go back to…
API account creation, lookup returns 403 Forbidden
I've been experimenting with the retrieval of BDS data sets via Postman using some of the Brightspace collections and have been successful at that. However, I've now started trying to provision users via API calls, and my calls always return a 403 Forbidden, even when trying to look up a user. My auth and refresh tokens,…
Data Hub - classlist enrollment across multiple courses
Hello we're looking to generate a report through the Data Hub which provides us with the number of learners across multiple courses. ideally we need the course offering name included in this, not just the ID. Does such a report exist or do we have to run multiple reports to collate? thank you
LOR data
Hi everyone, Within the LOR, are system admin able to see data for how often and by who the materials have been accessed? This is for assets/material published with public access Thank you
Are there administrative data features where I can pull course stats?
I am wanting to gather data on the use of Brightspace at my university—we have online and in-person programs, so some instructors are hardly using Brightspace. I want to change that!! I am hoping to be able to view course data that could tell me which current semester courses have content in them and which course shells…