Restrictions - Sections - Display configurations
Hello D2L community, We created a course but now we want to know how to more effectively restrict our audience to access certain content. We need to grade each user individually, but we have different modules inside the course (3) with scorm objects from which we take grades for quizzes. However, we also have a guide…
Why are single user groups no longer create a group when a student is added?
Until recently when a single user group category was create and restricted to a section, a student changed sections they would be removed from their single user group for that section and a new one was created in the section they were added to. We have had to do it this way because of the 200 group limit per category and…
Peer to Peer grading
Hello, We have a course that uses rubrics (in another system) for Peer to Peer grading. It is desired to move this exercise to Brightspace. Can we assign rubrics to users in the student role, giving them the ability to evaluate their peers?
Intelligent Agent and Groups
I have an assignment set up with 1 group. All students in the course are in the 1 group. Why? Because I want all students to see each others work and the feedback I provide using the annotation tools. All students are required to upload a paper to the assignment box. I want to set up an intelligent agent to inform me each…
Assign one group assignment to ALL groups (across ALL 'group categories'')
I'm encountering a nasty problem in my (currently running!) course: Assignments that were supposed to be 'group assignments', have become 'individual assignments' (somewhere in the process of copying last years course and configuring it for this year). I CAN still edit the final assignments that have no submissions yet,…
Limit self-enrollment to fixed number of Group Categories
Hi, I would like to know how students can self-enroll to a fixed number of Group Categories. I first wanted to have 1 Group Categorie with 4 sub-groups in which the student needs to enroll in a maximum of 3 out of the 4 groups, but that seemed impossible since self-enrollment in restricted to only 1 group of the Group…
I want to set up groups of 2, randomized by Brightspace. I have 15 students on my class list. How do I set this up?
Cannot Edit Grade Group on NavBar
Hello, I cannot edit the Grades Group on a Course NavBar. However, this is not the case for all. On most NavBars I am able to edit Grades. What setting would prevent me from being able to select and edit a Group like Grades on a NavBar. I am a System Administrator, and can do it on most NavBars for Grades; just not for…
Options for sections
Is it possible in Brightspace to teach a course for several years and make a subdivision with sections per year, per period, per class. The content of the course is unchanged. The announcements, assignments, quizzes etc will change. It is possible to work with 1 course instead of creating a new course per year/period.
Is there a feature/setting to ensure student is manually enrolled into ONE group only?
Is there a feature/setting for Brightspace groups that can prevent lecturers from manually grouping one student into multiple groups? Like a notification or indicator that flags up. Sometimes when there are too many students to be grouped into a pre-determined grouping, this setting/feature would help our lecturers to…
Groups and Threads
Hello! I have created my Groups in the course and would like to add each group to a discussion. If I start a thread under my discussion for each group, is there a way to restrict each group so that they are only able to view the thread for the group they are assigned to?
Can't Change Assignment Type to Group Assignment
I created an assignment in which I inadvertently failed to post date the start date until after I created groups for the class. A student submitted his work, which I did not grade, and the Assignment Type setting locked to Individual Assignment. I deleted the student's submission and changed the start date to a later time…
groups at org level
We are trying to create a work around for course evaluations for our organization. We have a request to only allow certain roles to access certain surveys. However because we have integrated with our SIS system their top level enrollment for department chairs is set at instructor. I enrolled them in their specific…
Grouping Learners but not a group task
I have 2 groups of learners in a class. I have made 2 groups and 2 sets of assignments. When marking I still see the entire class, not just the students in that grouping. How can I change this? Do I need to make sections rather than groups?
Downloading marked rubrics and inline comments + marking PowerPoint presentations
I have a few questions with this query. I have an academic who didn't know about setting up groups for group assignments. So only one student in a group is submitting. This means the other students in the group will not see any feedback or the marked rubric. We do have a solution but to make it less cumbersome, I told her…
Where to locate student's grade after switching sections?
Hello, I recently had a student switching from one section to another (both sections are my classes). Now I only see his grades for items AFTER the switch in the current section and can't see his profile and grades for items BEFORE the switch in the old section. Anyone knows the grades in the old section would be stored…
View only limited students in Grade Book
I have ongoing cohorts taking the same Brightspace basics training course. I grouped them into groups/cohorts. Can I view only one group in the Gradebook? If so, how to set it up?
"Allocate unenrolled users after Self Enrollment Expiry Date" option not working
When creating groups for my class of 175 students, I set an expiry date, and checked the box "Allocate unenrolled users after Self Enrollment Expiry Date" (see attached image). Most students self-enrolled, but my understanding was that the remaining unenrolled students would be automatically placed into groups that were…