Grades API forbidden
hi..i'm tryin to fetch grades of a particular student using this url "{{domain}}/d2l/api/le/{{versionG}}/{{oid}}/grades/values/{{userId}}/ " , but its giving me a 403 which is forbidden, can anyone help me with it…. thank you.
403 Forbidden When Accessing Grades Endpoints via API
Hello everyone! I’m new here and working on an integration to fetch grades through the Brightspace API. I have a service account with a custom role (cloned from the standard service account role) where I granted the permission “See user grade values (API Only).” My registered application is requesting the scopes core:*:*…
JWKS url for OAuth access in Brightspace?
We are trying to verify the access token from OAuth. In order to do this, we need a "key identifier" (kid) from Brightspace, but we are not sure how to find it. There's one endpoint in our environment called: https://<instance>.brightspace.com/d2l/.well-known/jwks Here are a set of keys that can be used, but none of them…
Do we have APIs to create new rubric and add rubric to assignment?
I did not find the api to create new rubric at https://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/res/assessment.html
Accessing Group Data
Hi, I teach a large class (over 300) wherein I give group assignments (4-5 students/group). Thus there are 60+ groups. I need to access the files in group lockers frequently to monitor progress of each group. Opening each group locker, and downloading the files manually is painfully time consuming. More importantly, it is…
Exporting Course information using API
I have had success exporting "grades" information using the API but so far have not been able to export course information. I have looked through the API documentation I can find and put together a GET string similar to what I use for grades that I thought should pull course information for a single course but it returns a…
Is there an API call to to find all users with email not like *@institution.edu
I would like to find all "guest" users. Is there an API call to to find all users with email not like *@institution.edu
Unable to create a Postman Collection and connect it to Brightspace
I am tryingto create a Postman Collection and connect it to Brightspace. I followed theprocess mentioned in the documentation attached below. We are unable to createa token to establish the connection as it is giving us an error “Invalidredirect Uri:” below is the screenshot of the details mentioned in the…
Quiz Printer Widget Limitations
Has anyone else installed the new Quiz Printer Widget? We recently discovered two limitations that are not listed in the known issues. First, if you have more than 20 quizzes in the course, only the first 20 will appear in the widget. (This isn't too bad as instructors can re-order them to see the other quizzes, but it's…
WIdget Coding
Hi Team, I want to create a admin widget which allows for two files to be added and then compared to find the rows with changed data and then use APIs to update the user attributes in Brightspace. DOes anyone have anything like this built currently? Thanks Beck
POST Create Grade Item
I was in the wrong area when I posted this question the first time. Hopefully this time its being posted to the Development group. I have tried many combinations for sending data to create a gradebook item but I get the same error message. I have checked and rechecked the documentation and it appears to be correct. Anyone…
Dynamic Tool Registration
Hi There! I have a trouble while setting the Platform notification service and send institutional role while using the Api for dynamic registration . Can you please guide me for the payload for it
Getting Not Authorized error when creating user
I am getting "Not Authorized" error while creating user in D2l. Scope given: "core:*:* users:userdata:create" Any help appreciated
Test Users and Roles
Good evening, I have 2 questions: The API Test Tool site () states that you can use the DevCoPStudent account to test API calls to the test D2L site (devcop.brightspace.com). I am doing this successfully. Are there any other test accounts I can use to call the API, particularly a user that is a lecturer, not a student; and…
Error 403 when creating a new user via API request
Hi, I'm trying to create a new user using a Postman request, but I'm getting error 403 (Forbidden). I already tested the whoami request and was successful (status 200); my username has all the credentials to create a user, and I'm using the scope "core:: user::" when creating the token. Is there something I am missing? I…
403 authentication error
I got 403 authentication error when making the following API call: GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/content/items/(userId) Which permissions are required to run this API call
This client is not permitted to use the client_credentials grant
Hi, I'm trying to use lti 1.3 and I want to authenticate using https://auth.brightspace.com/core/connect/token I created a new client id using the Oauth 2.0 section in Manage extensibility as administrator However when I try to consume the service I receive an error: { "error": "unauthorized_client", "error_description":…
Oauth2 Refresh Token issue - SailPoint Identity
Need someone to take a look at the following error to identify what is the problem. The token refresh was working for short periods, but then it stops working again. For instance, it was working over the december-january break, but last week it stopped working. We currently have the expiry set to 4 hours in production, (20…
How to overwrite file when updating topic file
Our course team has a custom app that generates pages from template files and then creates corresponding modules and topics within a course in D2L. This is great for new courses we launch as course designers can play around with the structure of the course in the place we track video and other page information. A new…
Has anyone used an API to manage Special Access?
We are looking for a way to bulk edit/update Special Access for Assignments so that admins do not have to manually add these to every individual assignment. We are looking for a way to automate special access for our students with reasonable adjustments using API. If you've experimented with this before we'd be super keen…