Learner Experience
Discussion List
- Hello D2L community, We created a course but now we want to know how to more effectively restrict our audience to access certain content. We need to grade each user individually, but we have different…
- Hello, I had previously sent a ticket inquiring if we could add the student ID# numbers with the student names in the virtual classroom attendance tracker. The response was no. We have classes with ma…
- Hi, I noticed that recently (I can't quite remember when) I don't see a menu bar anymore when vieuwing pdf or Office files in Brightspace. There used to be a menu bar at the top, as shown in the follo…
- Hi, Is there a way to get around the need to manually switch Modules (e.g. Weekly Content) from Hidden to Visible? In other words, is there a setting allowing instructors to schedule the exact date an…
- Hi, In our old LMS (Moodle) it was possible to make a user tour, depending on their role they would see either one thing or another. Is something like that also possible in Brightspace? If so: where c…
- We have several courses where learners are given 3 opportunities to retake a summative assessment. We'd like to make it possible for learners to retake the course if they fail the 3 assessment attempt…
- Hello! When students submit an assignment, the "assignment" tool pops up for them and provides an overview of the assignments completed and which ones are next to complete. That said, this tool is mis…
- In new learner experience, after you click on a module to view the content, it opens in a full viewer window. Along the left upper corner, you can select the 3 lines to open a table of contents. I'm w…
- Hello, I am a learner and I have the ability to record audio/video for the Media Library. I just wanted to make sure this was private to me (/the administrator) and that it won't be shared with my cla…
- I've tried to find a way to flag students with additional needs so that the instructor can see this at a glance in the classlist. I can't find a way to do this and I believe there is not a current too…
- Is there any way to configure the course selector on the minibar to show the Advanced Search bar?
- Greetings, Brightspace Colleagues! NCC is new to Brightspace (moving from Blackboard). Are there options for Peer Review in assignments, assessments, or discussions? We can't find any way to utilize p…
- Hi there, Our ReadSpeaker app is not linking to the first slide on each course. Is this because it's html? This has been noted by our user testers and is a huge accessibility issue. Not to mention the…
- We have Facilitators on our courses that track progress at section level. But each of our Programme Members also have a mentor, sometimes that mentor is a mentor to 3/4 people on the same course. We h…
- Hi, I want to create a project where users can extract their registered courses, but I do not know if the API allows that access to students or if it's even feasible. Is there any resource I can refer…
- Hi I am a senior person who is new to Brightspace. I have been using computers since 1983. Actually I wrote essays for 2 University degrees on my Commodore 64 in the 1980's. I have used several Woord …