Turn off email notifications for discussion boards

Maude.M.513 Posts: 4 🔍
How do I turn off email notifications for every time someone posts on a discussion board? I'm getting way too many emails. Thanks!


  • Megan.S.88
    Megan.S.88 Posts: 117 ⏸️ Inactive


    There are a couple of approaches you can take:

    You can unsubscribe to the discussion from within the discussion tool


    You can change your notification preferences (this is found in the menu under your name in upper right-hand corner of the screen)

    Good luck!

  • Maude.M.513
    Maude.M.513 Posts: 4 🔍

    Thanks for the help. Neither work. Do you know how I can contact tech support at Brightspace?

  • Megan.S.88
    Megan.S.88 Posts: 117 ⏸️ Inactive

    That doesn't sound right! Looks like you're entitled to D2L Support via phone, email, or chat.

  • Maude.M.513
    Maude.M.513 Posts: 4 🔍

    Yea because my school doesn't have an end user agreement with Brightspace they won't help me. I found this out after 25 minutes of chatting. What a waste of time. Thanks anyway