March 2025 edition
This page provides a preview of product and feature delivery plans for May 2025/20.25.05 and June 2025/20.25.06 releases. The Product and Services Preview document replaces the former 60/90 day Review/Preview.
Important: The most recent and accurate version of Release Notes apply to near-term delivery plans for the upcoming April 2025/20.25.04 release. This page is a preview of planned release features only. As stated in the Safe Harbor Statement, the information provided herein is subject to change at any time, at the discretion of D2L, and D2L makes no commitment to update the information.
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Enablement Information
Information about the default state of a released feature, function or change in a Brightspace site is included to provide additional information, supporting change preparation, or planning in your organization.
Availability (Enabled State)
Advanced knowledge about whether customers can control access to the feature, function, or changes. This allows Administrators, trainers and supporting roles in an organization an opportunity to know which items are controllable and which are not.
- On: Indicates that the feature’s default state is visible/on and that there is no override or setting to control this state by any user.
- Off: Indicates that the feature’s default state is hidden/off and that there is no override or setting to control this state by any user.
- On (Overridable): Indicates the features default state and that it can be controlled or overridden by a user. For example, a new permission that is automatically selected for specific roles, or an editable config variable default that is on both offer opportunities to configure or override the default states.
- Off (Overridable): Indicates the features default state and that it can be controlled or overridden by a Brightspace user. For example, a new permission that is not selected, a new setting or new config variable that is off by default both provide opportunities to review and enable if desired.
Site Actions (Enablement Method)
For any feature, function, or change that is controllable, how are they controllable. This allows Administrators, trainers, or supporting roles in an organization the opportunity to make decisions earlier and better plan for any work required to support any updates or changes. Some examples include;
- Role Settings
- Role Permissions
- Config variables
- In Tool settings (such as Grades Settings or Widget customization)
- In Application settings (such as Pulse Settings)
May 2025/20.25.05 preview
Analytics Builder - Analytics Builder is an independent tool from Insights Portal
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Instructors, Administrators
- Site Availability: ON for customers with Analytics Builder enabled.
- Site Enablement Actions: None (automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
With this release, Analytics Builder will now be listed as a separate tool from Insights Portal. Roles and permissions will be moved to Analytics Builder.
Planned Release: 20.25.05 | Feature ID: NTNGL-2966
Assignments - Support Bulk Retract Feedback in Assignments Submission Page
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Instructors, Administrators
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: None (automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
With this release, instructors will be able to retract feedback in bulk in Assignment submissions, eliminating the need to use the gradebook to bulk retract feedback.
Planned Release: 20.25.05 | Feature ID: NIM-3867
Quick Eval - Enable Accessing Assignment, Discussions and Quiz Evaluations from Quick Eval
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Instructors, Administrators
- Site Availability: ON (configurable)
- Site Enablement Actions: Config. Variable
- PIE: D5475, D8199
Additional Information Overview:
With this release, instructors can quickly iterate through their list of submissions in Quick Eval even if they are not the same activity type or in the same course. For example, an instructor has activities to mark in Assignment, Discussions and Quizzes and has been assigned those items such that it appears in Quick Eval Submissions. The instructor will now be able to go to each of these submissions to evaluate the items, instead of going back to Quick Eval and going into each item again.
How does it work:
- Instructor uses Quick Eval Submissions view
- clicks on an activity to evaluate
- In the Activity Evaluation screen, in the top right hand corner, it will say user x (order of user in submissions view) of y (total # of submissions in view for instructor)
- instructor can click forward/backward arrow to toggle to next or previous learner to evaluate
Config Variable:
This feature will be sharing the same config variable with the new quizzing experience and will be enabled when d2l.Tools.Activities.CEQuizzesOptIn ( OrgUnit ) is set to ON (not opt-in). Note this epic is ONLY for CE Quizzing and not compatible with legacy quizzing.
Planned Release: 20.25.05 | Feature ID: NIM-4022
Notifications - Users can now unsubscribe from all instant and activity summary notifications
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Instructor, Learner
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: Config. Variable
Additional Information Overview:
Notification emails will now display an unsubscribe link, which when clicked on, will take users to a new confirmation screen to confirm that the user wishes to no longer receive email notifications that they subscribed to. Clicking confirm will disable any further instant and activity summary notifications from being sent to the user. This link will function without the need to authenticate into Brightspace, allowing users who may no longer have a login to stop notifications from being sent to their external email address.
This new unsubscribe link will be included in Notification emails if a new configuration variable, d2l.Tools.Notifications.Email.UnsubscribeLink, is enabled. By default this option is disabled.
Planned Release: 20.25.05 | Feature ID: SHIELD-9335
Consistent Evaluation - Enable Accordions in Assignment / Discussion/ Quiz Evaluation for Instructors
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Instructors, Administrators
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: None (Automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
In Consistent Evaluation, in the right-hand panel, for instructors, we’re allowing them to open/close the component, so they can better focus on their evaluation. The behavior persists through iteration (going from learner to learner at the top) , it does not if they leave the page.
The default behavior is ‘Open’ when the user first enters the page.
Planned Release: 20.25.05 | Feature ID: NIM-4167
Assignments - Enable Direct Drag & Drop in File Assignment Submission for Learners
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Instructors, Administrators
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: None (Automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
In the Assignment submission, we enable the ability to drag and drop files for learners.
Planned Release: 20.25.05 | Feature ID: NIM-4160
Quizzes - Refreshed view of the Quiz Submission page
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Learner
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: None (Automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
Users will notice that the Quiz Submission page has been refreshed. The image at the top of the page has been replaced by a check mark image and other styling changes have also been made to make the page appear more sleek and modern.
Planned Release: 20.25.05 | Feature ID: BORG-4604
Course Management - Enable delegated administration of courses to support distributed administration initiatives
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: API Developer, Administrator
- Site Availability: ON (Customer Overridable)
- Site Enablement Actions: Config Variable (Org Unit)
Additional Information Overview:
The Course management tool will support distributed administration by allowing the creation of course offerings and course templates at the sub-org level. Sub-admins who have been granted the applicable permissions will be able to access Manage Courses to perform search, create and delete actions.
Enablement of Distributed Administration within the Course Management tool is governed by d2l.Tools.ManageCourses.SupportsDistributedAdmin (visible to D2LOnly) and tool permissions. Sub-admins no longer require permissions to be set at the Non-Cascading, Organization level. Sub-admins with the following permissions granted at the sub-org (Campus) level will now have access to manage course offerings and course templates wholly within their sub-org.
Planned Release: 20.25.05 | Feature ID: AUT-1938
Groups/Section Management - Groups tool now allows for exports of groups data including enrollment dates
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Instructor
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: Role Permission
Additional Information Overview:
Within the groups tool a new ‘Export’ button will appear, allowing Instructors to export details of a group category and its groups - including user enrollments and user details alongside the date that the enrollment into the group occurred - to a CSV file. When choosing to export, users can choose from a list of existing group categories within their course offering, and then choose one group or all groups to export details of. User details, such as usernames, firstnames, lastnames will only appear in the CSV file if the role exporting the data has the associated User Information Privacy permissions enabled. This new export option will be visible for any role who has the ‘Manage Groups and Categories’ permission set for their role.
Planned Release: 20.25.05 | Feature ID: SHIELD-8980
Continuous Professional Development - Streamline the Awards Workflow for adding My CPD Records
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Instructor, Learner, Administrator
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: None (Automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
Users will have a more streamlined workflow in adding a new record both from external source or from within Brightspace Awards. Users are now able to add a record from an award by following below steps:
- From the My CPD Records page, click Add Record > Add From Award.
- In the Add From Award dialog, select an award and click Next.
- Award information is pre-populated. Fill in rest of the information and save to create a record.
Planned Release: 20.25.05 | Feature ID: LURV-4048
June 2025/20.25.06 preview
Brightspace Editor - Brightspace Editor update to latest version now enabled for production instances
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Instructor, Administrator
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: None (Automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
The Brightspace Editor will be updated to the latest available version from TinyMCE, and this update will be applied to all production instances. The update was previously applied only to test-type instances in our April release. This update will take the editor from version 7.2.1 to version 7.7.0.
This update includes no functional changes to the editor but does include TinyMCE defect fixes. We have not found any known issues in Brightspace that are addressed with this update. We continue to stay up to date with our TinyMCE version to ensure we have the latest updates and security fixes. We do recommend that clients review editing their own course content html within the editor to ensure that it continues to function as expected.
Planned Release: 20.25.06 | Feature ID: SHIELD-9211
Course Management - New & Improved Courses tool enabling easier management of courses with a modern UI - Enabled in Production Environments
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Administrator
- Site Availability: ON for all customers in production environments
- Site Enablement Actions: None (automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
A core workflow for Brightspace administrators, instructional designers and, often times, instructors is the creation and re-offering of courses. Users expect to find the tools required to manage courses but instead must navigate between various tools (Course Management, Import/Export/Copy Components, User enrollments, Bulk Course Tools) to accomplish their goals. This can make the Brightspace administration experience difficult to learn and cumbersome to use.
What we are doing:
Creating a new Course Management Experience that will offer functional parity with the current tool and workflows combined with a delightful user experience.
Users will be able to easily:
- Create a new Course
- Create a new Course Template or take advantage of the automatic Template creation
- Search for Courses and Templates
- Copy (Re-Offer) an existing Course
The New Course Manage Page will be available in all environments with this release. There will be no opt-out.
Planned Release: 20.25.06 | Feature ID: AUT-1757
Lessons/New Content Experience - Adjust depth of content within the content hierarchy
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Instructor
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: None (Automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
The New Content Experience currently does not allow Instructors to move content between different depths within the hierarchy. This will introduce the ability to move topics and modules to a different depth. Currently to do this it requires either temporarily enabling Classic Content or using Course Builder.
Planned Release: 20.25.06 | Feature ID: KAIJU-66
Student Success Systems (S3) - Remove Preparedness (Beta) and associated SIS data from the Student Success System
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Data Administrator, Administrator
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: None (Automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
The Preparedness (Beta) domain within the Student Success System enabled the use of data elements from the Student Information System, including admission scores, overall college performance, and demographics. This information, if imported, could be included in model generation and predictions, as well as be displayed within the Student Profile area.
Once the beta ended, it was decided that the Preparedness domain was not a valid domain to include in predictive models. At this time, we intend to remove remaining references to the Preparedness domain within the Student Success System, as well as within our Community documentation.
Planned Release: 20.25.06 | Feature ID: CLOV-88
Quizzes - Import H5P Questions into Quizzes - BETA
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Instructor, Administrator
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: In Tool/App Setting
Additional Information Overview:
You are now able to import your existing H5P questions into your quiz allowing them to be used as formative assessment items.
Note: Available as a Beta to clients who have purchased the all new Creator+ Package with H5P.
Planned Release: 20.25.06 | Feature ID: BORG-3975
API, Brightspace Extensions, Manage Extensibility, User Management - Create and manage service user accounts apart from human user accounts
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: API Developer, Integration Vendor, Internal D2L Teams, Administrator
- Site Availability: Visible to Customer(s) with this Release
- Site Enablement Actions: None (Automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
A new Service Users tab will be available within the Users tool. This tab will display service users, and allow you to create, edit, and manage service users apart from you human users. The various UI elements for creating, editing, and managing service users will be streamlined to limit the available fields and functions that can be performed on service users (e.g. service users cannot be deleted if attached to an OAuth2.0 application, reduced account fields, and more).
Planned Release: 20.25.06 | Feature ID: NEX-3226
Valence - Support Distributed Administration within the Courses API
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Administrator
- Site Availability: N/A
- Site Enablement Actions: None (Automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
Courses API will support distributed administration feature so that there will be restricted API calls that can be made for sub-org administrators.
Planned Release: 20.25.06 | Feature ID: AUT-1795
Employee Training - Completion Tracking settings can now be copied in the Import/Export/Copy Components tool and the Bulk Course Copy tool
Change and Enablement information:
- Role / Audience: Administrator
- Site Availability: ON
- Site Enablement Actions: None (Automatic)
Additional Information Overview:
When copying course components, Completion Tracking settings can now be copied into a child org unit from an existing course offering.
The Completion Tracking settings can be copied in the Import/Export/Copy Components tool on the Copy Course Components page; or they can be copied using the Bulk Course Copy tool in the Copy Course Bulk tab. On the Copy Course Components page, users can also view the current Completion Tracking settings by clicking the Show current course components drop-down at the top of the screen.
Note: Since Completion Tracking is a course offering level tool, it will not appear as an option when you try to use Copy Components from Parent Template since it is not available at the template level.
Planned Release: 20.25.06 | Feature ID: ARK-1745
Safe Harbor Statement
The information provided herein is confidential and proprietary to D2L Corporation and its affiliates (“D2L”) and may not be shared without the written consent of D2L. Nothing herein should be construed as legal, human resources, insurance, tax, or other advice for any particular issue, including compliance with relevant laws. You must consult a professional advisor that is familiar with your particular factual situation for any such advice. The information provided herein could include inaccuracies, typographical and other errors. The information provided herein is subject to change at any time, at the discretion of D2L, and D2L makes no commitment to update the information.