Quiz Statistics
Looking for information on how Brightspace Quizzes tool on how Brightspace is analyzing the statistics for quiz questions. My department is good with the statistics for multiple choice questions, but wanted to know about the analysis for the statistics for questions types such as Multi-Select, Matching, etc. Any help would…
how to get access to broken link viewer
I have been dealing with broken link problems and I believe having access to this viewer would help
What drives the "No Response" stat in Quiz Statistics?
I have an exam that, when I look at the Quiz Statistics, it shows 4 No Responses. However, when I manually look at the attempts on this question, there are: 3 first attempts 2 learners selected true 1 learner left the question empty with "Not saved" So where are the other 3 "no response" attempts? We DO have some extra…
Is there a way to attach release conditions to my embedded practice questions (using Creator +)?
We want to make sure that students try to engage with the practice questions in the lesson.
Outcome Naming Configuration
Hello! I am wondering if anyone has been successful in creating distinct student learning outcomes (SLO) in Brightspace by labeling them within each course. Presently, our system measures each SLO aligned to the parent code. Is there a way to write SLO 1 so it can be distinctly different in each course? New here and…
Adjusting course layout and sections
Course POWT2395 is currently listed in the spring term, term 1243, has the first Brightspace offering transferred from Moodle. This is listed as POWT2395X01. The X01 designates the course section. We need there to be two sections, so we need to have an X01 and X02 to align with all their other courses. I need some help to…
Brand New to Brightspace
Can Brightspace D2L publish SCORM 1.2 packages/content for LMSs other than Moodle, Blackboard, etc.? I saw a list on one of the pages but can't find it again. The LMS we are wanting to put the content to is not listed so I am not sure what settings to select to publish to a different LMS. I saw that the imsmanifest…