How to make a global Widget that functions based on the current course?
The following specific issue is an example of a more general one we're facing: We have several small features (widgets, intelligent agents, possibly others) that we'd like to add to many courses all at once, and manage the feature as a single entity rather than go into each course one by one. But they need to function…
Dual languages for a single course
We offer students the ability to complete one of our courses in one of two languages, but we have to manage this as two separate courses in the system. Is there any way to combine these so we simply manage a single course, but students can select a language at the beginning, or better yet, toggle between the two during the…
Intelligent Agent for newly enrolled learners
I have a course where around 2000 students are already enrolled. I used to send a welcome email to the previously enrolled learners manually from my personal email. This is a lot of work, so I want to set up an intelligent agent that will send out an e-mail to learners who are newly enrolled into the course moving forward,…
How to fix release conditions error?
My Brightspace course has certain release conditions set for activities, but when I log in as a student or even view as a student, one discussion activity will not unlock (which is a problem because it unlocks the next activities!). I have deleted, reset, and reassigned release conditions to this activity, but nothing has…
Supplemental Exam- how to build into Grades as Grade Item
We have supplemental exams for those learners who do not pass original exam. Looking for a way to automate this into Grades more easily. Current workflow: Original Exam Grade is associated with Quiz as grade item. The Supplemental Exam has a grade item but it is not associated with any Quiz not is it given any Weight in…
Intelligent agent for awards earned
Is there a way to set up an intelligent agent to generate a report for a given date range for learner's who have earned an award in a particular org unit?
Adaptable conditioning
Hi, does anybody have experience on how to create adaptable conditions where the set conditions set to show some resource adapt and show/hide resource with the last users score. For example, if a user finishes the quiz Q1 with a score less than 60% then the quiz Q2 is show. If a user takes the Q1 quiz again and scores more…
Sections, Groups & release conditions
At my school we need to get better at using Sections, Groups and release conditions to create different tracks for students. I need to better understand how sections and groups interact when it comes to the release conditions. I need to run Multiple groups of students in the content at the same time and for them all to…
Is it possible to use an award earned in one course as a release condition in a different course?
We would like to award a badge in the last course in a program that is conditionally released based on achievements in previous courses throughout the program. To do this, we could potentially set up badges in the previous courses and then award the final badge based on these previously earned badges, but we're not having…
Release conditions and formula grades
Hi everyone, wondering if you can help... I'm setting up a course which has multiple formula grades. Is it possible to use the formula grade as a release condition? I can't seem to use the condition 'Grade Value on a Grade Item' as it doesn't show me the option of the formula grade. In the past I have used a formula in…
Change the background of a D2L credential information page
Greetings, My name is Ervin Howard, Instructional Designer of the University of North Georgia (Oconee campus). I need some advice and assistance about the D2L credential information page that is generated after a recipient earns a digital badge. I attached a copy of an image of D2L information page that shows the…
Create award conditional release that ignores optional content
I have several courses with a lot of content that must be completed before the award is released. But, a few content items do not need to be completed - I've marked these in the content as "optional." It seems that if I don't want to include the few optional bits of content in the release conditions, I have to do the…
Intelligent Agents Course Copy/Release Conditions
Is there a reason why the release conditions do not copy over in Course Copy with Intelligent Agents? For example, I want a student to be enrolled in another course if they get a grade of x in grade column y. The same grade column is copied over. The IA enrollment settings copy fine. Why doesn't the release condition copy…
Release Condition based on Calculated Grade Item
I'm trying to set a release condition so that the next unit would open when the average score on the previous unit is a certain percentage. I don't see a way to do this? I have created a calculated grade item for the unit, and have release conditions on each assignment so they must complete each to move on. I know I would…
Intelligent Agent and Final Calculated Grade
Has anyone figured out how to create an Intelligent Agent with Release Conditions to alert the instructor (or student) or someone else, when a student's final calculated grade has fallen below a certain level? This seems like a no-brainer request but it is not one of the items listed under the Grades Release Conditions.…
How can I use a conditional release to allow an individual to see content before their classmates?
An instructor has a student with an accommodation to see materials in advance, and the instructor does not want to release everything to the whole class. What is the simplest way to use a conditional release to provide access to this one student in their class? One idea was to have them fill out a survey, but then this…
Is there a way to apply release conditions to content based on user attribute?
We are developing a corporate course where the course content will differ depending on the user's region (e.g. North America versus Europe). Is there a way to apply release conditions to content based on user attributes? (E.g. We want American users to see Topic 1A, but European users to see Topic 1B.) I see that we could…
Suggestions on how to allow users to test out of a course?
We are preparing to onboard 1000+ users into a course on how to use a tool. We have 2 main groups: * Users who have never used the tool * Users who have years of experience in the tool The final test requires manual grading of a practical exam. We don't want the graders to have to grade 1000+ exams, but we also don't want…
How can I change the visibility status of an item from 'Hidden. Conditions are inactive' to...
How can I change the visibility status of an item from 'Hidden. Conditions are inactive' to 'Visible if conditions met'? It seems the only way to achieve the 'Visible if conditions met' state is to 1. Make whatever it is you want globally visible 2. Quickly add start dates in the Manage Dates screen or whatever condition…
Are release conditions reevaluated for a student in Intelligent Agents? In Announcement release...
Are release conditions reevaluated for a student in Intelligent Agents? In Announcement release conditions? To send a communication to students who have NOT attempted a quiz, and to stop ending it after the "not" condition is no longer met: Does the IA tool re-evaluate the condition each time it sends? Or if met once, is…