Using Attendance as a release condition

Hi there- I'd like to have certain assignment folders/quizzes open based on a student's attendance to a specific lab session. I don't think this is possible at the moment, but in the future, do you think this feature would be added? Right now I have teaching assistants take attendance for labs using the gradebook which then permits access to the report assignment folder. I prefer to not give 50+ TAs access to our gradebook.

OR is there a possibility to restrict editing of certain grade items based on TA/instructor role. E.g. I would like the TAs to be able to access grades for labs, but not for tests and quizzes.


  • Hi Linda,

    Let me know what you think of this idea.

    If you are already using groups in your course, or if the groups tool is at least available, you could create a group category for 'Lab Attendance', then a group for each lab. Then, the TAs could (given the permission) simply add the students who attend to that weeks lab group. A release condition could then be created to unlock those items based on group enrollment.

    There are two reasons I like this:

    1. Reduces the anxiety around unwanted gradebook changes.
    2. The UI to add the users is a simple list where they check each users name. Simple and easy.

    Let me know if you have questions about this.