Exceeding the total points on an Assignment
Is there a way to allow bonus points on an assignment? I found where you can allow points to be exceeded on a quiz or test however, cannot find a setting like this for assignments. If I try to override the score in grades I get a warning. Thanks in advance!
how do i turn in an assignment?
How do I turn in a assignment?
PDF assignment files
Hello, We are running into an issue with some of the PDF assignment files not opening for the assessors. From what we gathered, it depends on the PDF format and the version of Adobe that the student might have (and save their assignment in). For instance, we already figured that the LiveCycle Designer PDF version gives an…
Why do URLs within assignment submission show up as sticky notes when grading
We recently noticed that when a student submits a doc/pdf to the assignment folder, any links are automatically made into sticky notes when the instructor is grading. This is strange and confusing for instructors. We've looked through recent updates to see if there is something that might have caused this new and…
Dropbox document-- issue on my end or students?
I require students to use Microsoft Word to write their papers. Everyone at my university has access to Word and hopefully requiring .docx resolves compatibility issues. This past session I had some papers that open up in the dropbox as a document of random characters. When I downloaded the document, it was the same-- all…
LOR - Unit pages, Quizzes and Assignments
Hi, Was wondering if anyone had any tips on best approach to using the LOR for entire course offerings. We want to be able to offer the same course offering to 10-20 different partners, and the plan is to put the course offering in the LOR, then using that content in the LOR make it available in each of the 10-20 seperate…
Is it possible to make an assignment where learners can either submit a file or text?
Hi! Looking for advice on how to create an assignment where learners could either submit a file OR leave a URL in the text box. Is this possible? We would like to give our learners some choice when it comes to submitting their work. Thanks!
Analytics core guide - activity categories
Hi everyone. We're looking for the data associated with assignment categories on the data hub. where can I find the table and field that contains this information? Thank you.
How to extend the deadline for a single student in a discussion
I have a student with accommodations and one of these is to have extended deadlines. This works fine for assignments and quizzes, but how do I give a single student additional time on a discussion assignment?
Assignment Type
I created an assignment with text submission type, but can't change to "submit file" without affecting students who have already submitted and been graded. This is very problematic for me in a continuous online course. I'm scared to delete the assignment, but can't change "assignment type" to what it should have been. My…
D2L Assignment Feedback Issues
Hi All, In the last several years, we have had multiple instructors connect with us about issues with Feedback, specifically on Assignments (we still call them Dropboxes at my institution). However, this could be an issue for feedback on quizzes and/or discussions. Basically, for one reason or another, feedback does not…
Setting Due Dates on Assignment using API?
I'm trying to use API to programmatically set the due date fields on an assignment from an external application. I've searched the API reference and haven't been able to find anything related to assignments or due dates. Has anyone had this issue and been able to find API to solve this? Thanks!
Roles & Permissions Issues
I've been troubleshooting an issue for the past week regarding facilitators' roles and permissions settings. I've enrolled several facilitators into a course and none of them are able to view any assignments. The instructor and I have double checked assignment settings (hidden vs. visible) and found no issues on that…
Deleting a Student's Submission
How can I delete a student's assignment submission ie: if they handed something into the wrong box? I get these options only: Thanks :)
Hi guys!
I have a question regarding the video assignments. I noticed that as a student I...
Hi guys! I have a question regarding the video assignments. I noticed that as a student I can set virtual classroom meetings, record them, then submit them for grading. As a teacher I want to share it via my class content, is this possible? When I download a student's virtual meeting, I download a zip file which contains…
How do I restrict an Insert Stuff option to certain roles?
When students have a text submission for their assessment, they have access to the Insert Stuff tool. I'd like to know how I can restrict certain integrations/plugins available via Insert Stuff. Specifically, I'd like to ensure that they can only access Panopto Student Submission via Insert Stuff.
Student Feedback on Instructor Suggestions/Feedback
I am looking for a way for a student to be able to respond to inline comments and suggestions on writing assignments within D2L. We do have Turnitin, and the Feedback Studio integrated for assignments, but students would like to respond inline to comments made on assignments. Any suggestions?
weighted grade item not working as expected
We have a faculty member that set up a weighted gradebook. She has a category called assignments and it has a weight of 20% of the total grade. in this category she has an assignment that has 4 points and is weighted to be 2.339181287% of the assignment category. Everything appears to be correct from both the gradebook and…
API calls to Dropbox - file naming
We're working with the API calls to gather student submissions. The goal is to automate the collection of signature assignments for over 220 courses. Using GET /d2l/api/le/(version)/(orgUnitId)/dropbox/folders/(folderId)/submissions/(userId)/download we noticed that the zip file doesn't follow the naming convention set in…