Editing the title of an Assignment isn't reflected in Grade Book

In Classic Experience—

I have some assignments that are already linked to the Grade Book.

I've noticed that if I edit the title of the Assignment, the title isn't automatically updated in the Grade Book. I have to edit the title in the Grade Book as an additional step. Is this correct?

To try to get around this I tried updating the assignment by using "Remove from Grade Book" and then putting it back. This didn't work as "Remove from Grade Book" didn't remove the item from the gradebook.

Updating the total points for the assignment did get transmitted to the Grade Book accurately, so I'm confused why other aspects of the Grade Book association didn't work.

Thanks in advance for any guidance or explanation!



  • Hello @Sarah.K.185

    Thank you for reaching out to the Brightspace Community.

    When editing the title of the Assignment, the title isn't automatically updated in the Grade Book. You will have to edit the title in the Grade Book individually.

    This behavior is anticipated because a grade item is an entity associated with the grading tool and is affiliated with activities like assignments or quizzes. When you create a grade item within an assignment, it defaults to the same name as the assignment title. However, there are various workflows for creating and grading activities. Grade items can be generated independently and then linked to assignments, allowing them to have distinct names from the assignments themselves. 

    Hope this helps clarify your query


    Ashwin Ravi