Is it possible for students to save drafts of their quiz responses so they can work on them over tim

We are experimenting with using a Quiz that includes short answers and a Panopto video submission to replace an assignment that required students to record a video, upload a link or MP4 file and attach it to the drop box and also download a Word document, complete their work, then upload their completed document to the dropbox. The hope is that this will streamline processes for students in completing and submitting their work, and help save time for faculty who currently have to download documents and recordings to assess them. (The only downside is that I don't think we can link our "Assignment" rubric to a "Quiz," so we're thinking we will need to have two screens open when marking.)
Our instructional design folks weren't sure whether students could continuously save drafts of their quiz responses (including their Panopto video submission) and then submit everything when they're ready. So far, a couple of students have added text responses that they were able to save. Does anyone know if this will continue to work?
Best Answer
Thank you for your prompt response, Sangeetha. We have created a quiz that doesn't include a time limit, so hopefully this will work well for students!
Hi @Kirsten.M.836 ,
Thanks for reaching us through community!!
Quiz answers should autosave when the students are attempting the quiz. You can try to create a quiz without time limit in this case student can access/leave the quiz anytime they would like.
Please let me know if you need any further questions on the same.