Editing the title of an Assignment isn't reflected in Grade Book
In Classic Experience— I have some assignments that are already linked to the Grade Book. I've noticed that if I edit the title of the Assignment, the title isn't automatically updated in the Grade Book. I have to edit the title in the Grade Book as an additional step. Is this correct? To try to get around this I tried…
Opening file submissions
When grading assignments, is there a way to have the assignment submission automatically open when moving between student submissions vs. clicking the file to open each time. For this course in particular students have to submit in .pdf format, so when trying to grade submissions for numerous students at a time, I find you…
Potential caching or updating issue in classic experience on Content
I have a professor who updated the due date in content, it appeared saved, but when refreshed the old date reappeared. However, the corrected date showed in Assignments and on the calendar, it only appeared with the old incorrect date in content. I corrected content by deleting the assignment and then adding it back. Any…
Student uploaded new paper and overwrote my comments and grades... can I get it back??
I just finished grading my student's paper and I had added annotated comments to the paper throughout. At some point today my student uploaded another copy of her paper and because I had the settings turned on to keep the latest submission only, the original paper with all my comments has disappeared. I had saved it as a…
Is it possible for students to save drafts of their quiz responses so they can work on them over tim
We are experimenting with using a Quiz that includes short answers and a Panopto video submission to replace an assignment that required students to record a video, upload a link or MP4 file and attach it to the drop box and also download a Word document, complete their work, then upload their completed document to the…
Individual Assignment folder for groups
We have a situation….. an assignments folders (file submission) was set up as an Individual folder, when it should have been set up as a group folder. As a result, we have over 190 students who see "file not submitted" when in fact, it was submitted by the group scribe. Can we edit to show that all students have submitted…
document viewer error
User has been getting this error message when trying to view an assignment submissions with the document viewer. Any idea what could be happening?
Wrong Submission
Good day, I have made a wrong submission for my training and development course for peer evaluation for group assignment. I really need help as the submitted file is confidential and i will like it deleted before any of my group member sees it
"Past due" and "New submission" errors that won't go away
All of my students submissions show as past due despite there being a due date and a grade entered. I have tried "mark all as complete" and it does nothing. Similarly I have a list of "new submissions" in my assignment list saying there are 57 new submissions (for an assignment due the second week of class in which all…
How does one change the grade type (numberic vs. dropdown selections) on an assignment?
I have already created assignments and created grade items for them. I would like to change the assignment grading from numeric to be able to select from a drop down menu based on a grading scheme that I have already created. How do I do this?
Dropbox files sync
Hello, I insert lots of dropbox links in content. It has been working fine up until recently when files (PPT, Word docs, etc.) have not been updating on Brightspace content as I make changes to them as they used to. I find my self having to relink when it is really the same file and link except I have made a slight change…
Grades displaying "days late" messages for items from Assignments
When we have an "open date" and a "due date" set in Assignments, Grades is displaying a "days late" message for learners who have not submitted the assignment. This appears to be new this semester. When I contacted support I was told the only way to remove it was to turn off the due date, which we don't want to do. Has…
Anonymous participation in a survey
Hi D2L Community, I am setting up a survey in my course. I would like to make it an anonymous survey, but I would also like to offer a prize to the respondents. I am aware that anonymous surveys can be set up on Brightspace. However, I am not sure if survey responses are anonymous, will I be able to know who has responded…
Question on data reported for feedback read
Hi! We recently were looking at the "FeedbackIsRead" column in the data report "Assignment submissions" and we've noticed some issues with the way the data is collected for feedback. If a user views their overall feedback from the Gradebook, this doesn't count as "read". Additionally, if there is inline marks that the…
Microsoft OneDrive
Hello. I worked with my IT department to get the Microsoft OneDrive LTI app set up in D2L. I then followed instructions from Microsoft on creating the deep linking quicklinks and insert stuff. Logged in as an instructor, I can see and use both features. As a student, I get a message that "This feature is not supported for…
Access Previous Course Submissions
Is there a way to access previously taken courses (and now ended) submissions? I am looking for a document in my Drive that I cannot find that was submitted Fall 2023 for a course.
Functionality problems - can't upload files and can't see quiz errors
The drop box is not allowing me to upload a document. Clicking add a file takes me to the screen which should allow me to select where to find the file, but the whole page is protected so that I cannot click on My Computer. Also, after submitting a quiz last night, the page that should allow me to view my mistakes did not…
How do you facilitate assessment by external assessors?
Hi everyone, We are looking for a simplified solution to allow external assessors e.g. Clinical placement assessors or work-integrated learning (WIL) placement partners, to view student work or self-evaluation/reflections and provide feedback through a rubric and/or providing comments. Enrolling each one into individual…
Merged: How do you facilitate assessment by external assessors?
This discussion has been merged.
Drive window moving when trying to select a file for an assignment? Anyone else?