Connecting an assignment with no value to the gradebook
I'm trying to figure out a way to have an assignment appear in the gradebook so that I can mark it "done", but there are no points associated with it. Is that possible?
Adding an Assignment to Portfolio
Is it possible to add a Brightspace assignment to the portfolio? One of our instructors has an assignment where students have added text and attached a number of photos. She would like to push the entire assignment to the portfolio however we can not see a way to do this. Thanks!
Grade Item Associated to Deleted Dropbox Cannot Be Deleted
We're troubleshooting a course in which grades and feedback will not publish in the gradebook for a dropbox assignment. One quirk in this course is that a grade item is still associated with a deleted dropbox folder. We can't delete that grade item. In fact, it won't let us delete any grade items, perhaps because they are…
With the new assignment editor tool now being forced to users (no more opt in/opt out), where is...
With the new assignment editor tool now being forced to users (no more opt in/opt out), where is the option within the assignment editor to associate to an assignment category (or to create a new category). This used to be an option in the old editor. Now you have to go to the assignment main page, click the "select…
Is there a report to show assignments submitted by section?
We have an assignment where I just realized some evaluators aren't logging in weekly to evaluate the assignment submitted in their section. Is there an easy (or even not so easy) report I can generate to list the sections and how many unevaluated assignments are in each section? For context: * This is a course with no…
Is there a way to restore rubric feedback on an assignment?
I have an instructor that needed to change the rubric they used in an assignment and when they changed the rubric utilized for the grade, it properly transferred the total grade for the assignment but the in-line feedback and criteria scores were lost (and as this is a public speaking class the feedback is very important).…
Can Turnitin be enabled on Assignments by default?
I'm referring to at least the first highlighted checkbox in this screenshot, and ideally, the second as well.
Is there any way to remove the comments section which is displayed when students submit assignments?
We'd simply like our students to add a file to upload. Many have been gotten confused and posted the text of their essays in the comments section, which means we can't grade them using the annotation tools available for files.
With Video Assignments (YouSeeU), can students record a powerpoint presentation along with...
With Video Assignments (YouSeeU), can students record a powerpoint presentation along with themselves on webcam? We are looking to roll out the free version of the YouSeeU products, but I can't seem to figure out if the following is possible in Video Assignments: Students recording themselves on webcam while simultaneously…
How do I get "Height=100%" working on an embed code in the Instructions field for Assignments?
Specifically, in the Instructions field for Assignments. It gives me a tiny height viewport, but the "Width" tag appears to work. If I manually set the height, to say, 1500px, it works fine, but I'd like it to do it automatically, in case the content changes later. Code Example: <object type="text/html" height="100%"…
Can A Learner Respond to Assignment Feedback?
In our system, our Coaches will review the Assignments submitted by our Learners. They may provide some feedback using the Feedback feature within Brightspace. If the Learner wishes to discuss or comment on that feedback, is there a way to do so through the Feedback area? I recognize that they can send messages separately,…