Get information about LTI tool linked to a topic
When I create a link to a tool like FeedbackFruits a topic with the LTI link is created. Hen I retrieve the information about the topic I set: "ToolId": 390000, "ToolItemId": 50187 The ToolId 390000 refers to "External Learning Tools". I think that ToolItemIs 501987 refers to the FeedbackFruits tool I selected but I can…
H5P resource into LOR?
My academic IT director placed an H5P resource in my Library's course module and it works fine. However, when I try to place that H5P resource into a Learning Object Repository to be used in other course modules...there is an error message stating that it is outside of the course content root. We went ahead and created the…
Qualtrics Course Evaluation Tool?
Hello, Anyone out there successfully implemented the LTI 1.3 for the Qualtrics Course Evaluation Tool? Currently stuck on this message the Qualtrics implementation team really has no clue what's wrong with it.
LTI Auth Tokens vs Developer Keys?
My organization wants to migrate all LTIs currently using Auth Tokens to Developer Keys instead. Does Brightspace support that? All of the Brightspace Developer Key documentation I've found talks about Canvas? https://www.google.com/search?q=brightspace+%22developer+key%22
Where can I locate a listing of products that can be integrated into D2L?
I'm specifically needing to know about NetTutor and GMetrix. Any guidance/assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Where to report errors/omissions in Admin Documentation
Where is the correct place to report errors/omissions in admin documentation? Specifically: The instructions omits a step. Once the Assignments and Embed features are created under Remote Plugins menu, they must be made visible in the External Learning Tools > Manage Tool Links (Legacy) menu by ticking the [x] Allow users…
How to Update Line Items with LTI Advantage?
I'm currently encountering an obstacle while attempting to update line items that were generated via LTI 1.3 deep linking (scoreMaximum, label, startDateTime, endDateTime). The grade item's name will undergo an update, but that encompasses the extent of the changes. The name and dates for the quick link will remain…
How to I connect brightspace to Mcgraw hill Connects?
How to I connect brightspace to Mcgraw hill Connects?
LTI MIgration to LTI Advantage
Just referencing the page , which recommends testing in a test site. However, what if LTI tools such as Bongo were never set up in the test environment - only production due to licencing restrictions. Should I proceed within my production environment in a sandbox area?
Working on developing 1.3 LTI Deep Linking. Keep getting errors.
------------------------------------ UPDATE I found out what was originally going wrong, I wasn't sending the KID header along with the token. However I'm still having a problem... Now I get "The external learning tool responded with no content. Close this dialog and try again or contact the external learning tool for…
Error/bug with deep linking 1.3 in Brightspace
I'm trying to test our LTI 1.3 integration. It works in other LMS systems, but not Brightspace, so it leads me to believe that there's either a bug in Brightspace, or that there's a setting I'm missing. When I get through the deep linking process, I get a generic message. Upon checking logs, it shows "Something went wrong…
Supporting adaptive assessments
We're working with our testing center to explore putting our writing placement exam into Brightspace. The goal is to create an assessment that helps students self-identify what writing (or reading/writing) course they should register for. The quiz tool doesn't support adaptive branching (currently), so I'm curious if…
Has anyone had issues LibGuides using ILP due to cross listing Process?
Hello, Does anyone use Colleague along with the ILP course provisioning process? We are having issues with our library services tool, LibGuides using the ILP to provision the cross listed courses. LibGuides uses naming conventions which are altered through the cross listed creation process by ILP in D2L. The creation of a…
Remote plugin setup OAuth signature method not working
We are trying to add a new remote plugin, and find that even though we set the OAuth signature method to HMAC-SHA1, it ends up becoming HMAC-SHA256. Has anyone encountered this before or know why it is? Thanks.
eText deeplink creation gives an error
We have recently implemented to create deeplink for ebook and when adding the links of the ebook, D2L gives an error. It is working properly for assignment deeplinks. (LTI 1.3) Assignment Deeplink Creation - Success Scenario id_token:…
New LTI tool registration issues - Launch back to platform
Hello, We have been working on the creation of a new LTI tool for our product and we are currently testing our LTI compliant endpoints with our Brightspace demo instance. So far we have succeded in registering (using Standard Registration) the tool with its keyset URL and are able to create External Tool Links and add them…
Shared Kaltura library videos issue
Has anyone else experienced an issue with accessing the Kaltura (insert media) feature to embed videos within their D2L instance directly with and using the instructor role? Until recently my coworker a sys admin could impersonate an instructor and access My Media and perform tasks normally. When users try to access My…
When is support for LTI OIDC Login with LTI Client Side postMessages coming?
Hi, I've seen the new solution to get rid of the third-party cookies issues when using LTI 1.3 advantage in this blog: and this spec: https://www.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-cs-oidc/v0p1 The postmessage seem a nice solution for this problem and we would like to implement this. Since D2L was part in writing this new spec. Is…
LTI Link in a Widget
We have Nettutor coming out with a new LTI link but are unable to embed into a widget, does anyone have a workaround to this issue so that we can put it in a widget as well?
LTI1.3 Basic launch and Deeplink placement in add existing activities
The basic launch tool is displayed under add existing activities --> External learning tools and the deeplink quick links are just display under "add existing activities" which confuses the user to launch which one first. Is there any method we can show basic launch or deeplink outside add existing activities? Can we…