Where can I locate a listing of products that can be integrated into D2L?

Posts: 1 🌱
I'm specifically needing to know about NetTutor and GMetrix. Any guidance/assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Best Answer
Hi Teresa,
A list of integration partners is available from the Integration Hub, https://integrationhub.brightspace.com/
This list is by no means exhaustive. Other external or 3rd party tools supporting the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard, not listed, can easily be integrated into your Brightspace environment.
GMetrix and NetTutor support LTI enabling you to integrate them into your environment. Documentation for each provider is listed below:
- GMetrix, https://gmetrix.net/documentation/Documents/GMetrixLTIIntegrationV3.pdf
- NetTutor, https://linksystems.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/57/article/3130982403?src=592930735
- NetTutor and Pisces, https://linksystems.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/57/article/3195830273?src=592930735
Depending on the version of LTI supported by the external tools Brightspace documentation is available from:
Hope that helps!
- GMetrix, https://gmetrix.net/documentation/Documents/GMetrixLTIIntegrationV3.pdf