Has anyone had issues LibGuides using ILP due to cross listing Process?

Does anyone use Colleague along with the ILP course provisioning process? We are having issues with our library services tool, LibGuides using the ILP to provision the cross listed courses. LibGuides uses naming conventions which are altered through the cross listed creation process by ILP in D2L. The creation of a "parent" course and the inclusion of a "GUID" alpha-numeric code alters the naming conventions and breaks the LibGuides specialty plugin.
Has anyone found a solution?
Hi Pamela,
Thanks for reaching out. According to Ellucian, this is a setting on their end, and D2L does not control these IDs. Ellucian has confirmed that they use Ethos's identifier Guid as the cross list ID when creating cross listed courses from Colleague. We recommend contacting Ellucian via support case to help you further.
Hello Lavniet Dhi17, In my explanation, I have identified that the GUID is being initiated from Colleague (Ellucian). I am asking community members if any of them have had the same issue either to be able to bring a case to Ellucian or if they have identified a workaround.
We use Banner here with ILP (formerly used Holding Tank), so I'm not sure how helpful this is… but we have LibGuides keyed to work off the template code (which are human readable) and we send this as custom variable via the External Learning Tool.
We use reverse search in LibGuides. So for example, a course linked to a template code of MATH-260 we can search on the code of MATH-260 or MATH-2** or just MATH*.
I just checked one of our cross listed courses, and it does receive a valid template code, of I assume, the first course in the crosslist.