New LTI tool registration issues - Launch back to platform

gonzalo Posts: 1 🔍


We have been working on the creation of a new LTI tool for our product and we are currently testing our LTI compliant endpoints with our Brightspace demo instance. So far we have succeded in registering (using Standard Registration) the tool with its keyset URL and are able to create External Tool Links and add them to our test courses, however when a student clicks on a link the authentication process is not successful. I have checked the System Log but all that is reported are “Error logging broken link to DynamoDb” messages.

I'm attaching a few screenshots showing the series of requests between the platform and our tool (running on my dev environment for debugging purposes) with their payloads.

Here is the decoded JWT we are sending in the state:


"kid": "ed4495408e724f2186644e66057a092b",
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "RS256"


"iss": "",
"sub": "",
"aud": "ca9f9512-8d9a-47c5-a9f2-3db4c49c0214",
"exp": 1678833512,
"nbf": 1678832912,
"iat": 1678832912,
"jti": "8f2b920b-732e-4851-98fd-7c2a46f171b0",
"original_iss": "",
"login_hint": "12d45003-120a-4398-ad34-6795f7307504_362",
"lti_message_hint": "FVcFdKScyrRXEMMa7K8rx7k9doeNNmP_lpRac_49e4k~",
"target_link_uri": "https://localhost:8443/v1p3/redirect",
"client_id": "ca9f9512-8d9a-47c5-a9f2-3db4c49c0214",
"controller": "/v1p3/oidc/login_initiations"

Thanks in advance for the help, please let me know if you need more information.



  • Aasim.Y.704
    Aasim.Y.704 Posts: 126 ⏸️ Inactive

    Hi @gonzalo,

    Thanks for reaching out to us here at the Brightspace Community.

    Upon sharing this experience with Product Experts, it looks like the best path forward would be for you to raise a support ticket through your institution's IT Help Desk for the team to further investigate this experience.

    I appreciate your patience as we worked through connecting you to the best path forward for support. If you require an assist with locating your organizations IT Help Desk please send me a DM with your institution name so I can share the appropriate contact information with you.

