LTI 1.3 but having trouble with authentication (/d2l/lti/authenticate). Keep getting 404s.
Hello Team, I'm trying to get our tool to work with 1.3 and brightspace. I'm currently trying to implement openid to autheticate with. Brightspace gets to my auth method fine but when I try to redirect the user to the openid auth endpoint I keep gettings 404. Checking your help it says to check I have all parameters…
List of default instructor permissions?
We're having an issue with the Hawkes Learning LTI and they believe it's something unchecked in the Instructor permissions that's causing the issue. So two questions: Has anyone had an issue with the Hawkes Learning integration syncing? Is there a list somewhere of the default set of permissions for Instructor so I can…
How do I add an External Learning Tool to a class
How do I add an External Learning Tool to a class
How to obtain an access token for accessing LTI Advantage Services
I am trying to obtain the access token by exchanging the id_token I am receiving the following error: Error: Request failed with status code 400 My Code: Also I have tried to do properly form a JWT signed with my private key and use it: const privateKey = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'private.pem'), 'utf8'); //…
LTI 1.3 Score POST Fails "User in requested score does not exist"
I have a tool that integrates with D2L via LTI 1.3. While the LTI "Launch" flow works perfectly, I'm running into an issue when trying to post scores to the Line Item where the launch originated from. Assignments and Grade Services is enabled in the external tool settings (in D2L). I've constructed the URL and request body…
Access to the test brightspace LMS
Hi, I am new to the community. Apologies if this query is not directed to the right channel. We are looking to test our LTI interface with Brightspace. I understand we can use the instance hosted at https://devcop.brightspace.com after joining the Developers group. I have done that, however, the login fails on , Can…
LTI 3rd party content - Deep Linking Quicklink
We have a well functioning LTI tool that sets a session cookie. In Chrome this works fine, but in a standard Safari it is well known that a third party cookie is not saved in an iframe. This is solvable by opening deeplinks in a new window by default. However when an instructor adds a new deeplink using the `add existing`…
Keyset URL cannot be reached
I'm trying to setup an LTI advantage link with Mahara on our test environment but after completing all the details as instructed on the Mahara help pages here: https://manual.mahara.org/en/21.10/external/lti_brightspace.html#ltiadvantage-brightspace Brightspace returns a Keyset URL cannot be reached error. Any ideas what I…
Dropbox files changing format of student papers
Do we know if there is a cause or a fix for the grading display of student papers in the dropbox that is changing the format of the paper? For instance, a student submitted a properly formatted MLA paper with their name and page number in the top right corner. However, on my end it displays in the grading window as the…
Issues with 3rd party content (H5P assets)
Since the beginning of the year, we've had widespread complaints from users that interacting with H5P assets causes them to jump to the top of the course page on which they are working. This occurs inconsistently across H5P assets and users report extreme frustration. We've been advised that this defect is the result of a…
LTI Iframe copy-paste rights
When using LTI in the content of a course there is an iframe being used to embed the LTI-tool. This iframe gets the following permissions in the allow-attribute: "camera *; microphone *; display-capture *; encrypted-media *; fullscreen *; autoplay *;" I'm missing the permissions to access the clipboard: clipboard-read…
Microsoft OneDrive
Hello. I worked with my IT department to get the Microsoft OneDrive LTI app set up in D2L. I then followed instructions from Microsoft on creating the deep linking quicklinks and insert stuff. Logged in as an instructor, I can see and use both features. As a student, I get a message that "This feature is not supported for…
Brightspace/Teams Course Connector (ShuffleExchange)
Good morning I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has successfully implemented the Brightspace/Teams Course Connector (ShuffleExchange) integration. Specifically, who in your organisation creates the teams and is this done using the widget or by a Microsoft Teams administrator. Regards, Marion
Microsoft Reflect Integration
Has one integrated MS Reflect into Brightspace? I am trying to but it is not working. But before I spend too much time trying to get it to work I'm wondering what the integration produces. Based on the instructions here: it seems like all it does is add a link to the nav bar which I can do without integrating the tool. Any…
Zoom - No permission to create meetings
Hi, The LTI integration between Brightspace and Zoom has worked. However, when I try to create a meeting, it seems that I do not have permission to save it with the message "No Permission". I can create meetings on Zoom, so the problem is not with Zoom permissions. Someone had the same problem?
How do I Register the Blackboard LTI key information in Course Publisher. Where is Course Publisher?
How do I Register the Blackboard LTI key information in Course Publisher. Where is Course Publisher?
LTI 1.1
Is Brightspace dropping support for LTI 1.1 in 2024? If so, what is the target date? Does this mean no longer able to install new LTI 1.1 tools or will existing 1.1 tools break?
Error with LTI 1.3 deep linking
Within the past few months our product's deep linking stopped working with Brightspace. This is the error report: The message before encoding looks like this:…
Get information about LTI tool linked to a topic
When I create a link to a tool like FeedbackFruits a topic with the LTI link is created. Hen I retrieve the information about the topic I set: "ToolId": 390000, "ToolItemId": 50187 The ToolId 390000 refers to "External Learning Tools". I think that ToolItemIs 501987 refers to the FeedbackFruits tool I selected but I can…
H5P resource into LOR?
My academic IT director placed an H5P resource in my Library's course module and it works fine. However, when I try to place that H5P resource into a Learning Object Repository to be used in other course modules...there is an error message stating that it is outside of the course content root. We went ahead and created the…