Character Limits for "Criteria" and "Description" when creating a new award?
Does anyone know what the character limit is for the Criteria and Description fields when creating a new award? We are trying to set up micro-credentials using the awards system in D2L, but I am having trouble finding what the character limit is for those important fields in the set-up of that award system. Thanks in…
Configuration of {AwardDate}
When certificates are generated, the replace string {AwardDate} populates with the name of the day (e.g. Friday, August 29, 2024). Is it possible to configure {AwardDate} to remove the name of the day in the date?
Brightspace Awards API
I would like to access the award's API as part of the content in a lesson using '/d2l/api/bas/(version)/issued/users/(userId)/orgUnitId=(OrgUnitId)'. When I test this with my DeLC and teacher credentials, I receive a successful response listing the correct awards. However, when I try it as a student, I get a 403 message…
In the Awards tool, is there a way to see user emails in addition to their names?
On the same day, one of our instructors: * Awarded a badge to john.doe2@test.com. * Mistakenly awarded a badge to John.doe@test.com. When he went to the Awards list, he couldn't differentiate between the two John Doe's. Is there a way to add an email address to this view? Our workaround was that I temporarily renamed…
Remove badges
Hi. I'm experimenting with badges and certifications. I've created a badge in my course when completing a checklist, executed the scenario as a learner (got the badge!), then back as a teacher I removed the badge from the course. Now I'm not able to remove the badge anymore from my account. How can I remove all earned…
Badges to ePortfolio
Hi, I know students can share their badges to ePortfolio, but is there a way to automatically send the badges to their ePortfolio when they are awarded without students doing this manually? Thank you
How do you get badges?
I am wondering how we get badges?
Could brightspace platform run an interactive app like a video game?
Hello Community! I'm trying to build an interactive application like a video game for my University becacuse they build a course in a static and rigid way, so I'm trying to make the course more interactive and dinamic, so I'd like to know if I build a video game in Unity or another game engine, could I run this in the…
Is there a way to turn off the automated Award Earned Notification?
In the Mail templates, there's one for Award Earned Notification. Is there a way to turn this off? We'd prefer to use an Intelligent Agent to notify users.
What are replacement strings in other languages?
95% of our courses run in English however a few are in German, we have awards set up to release certificates with the students name, course, and date on. For the english courses we use the course end date and the replacement string {OrgUnitEndDate} to put the date of completion on the certificate. When uploading this…
How can i add or modify my name on my certificate?
How can i add or modify my name on my certificate?
Reissuing certificate to the same learner and keep track of all issued certificates
Hi there, We currently offer a course where learners complete the content and receive a certificate of completion. They have a year to complete the course and after the year are unenrolled. Because of the 1-year period, we allow learners to reenroll into the course with their previous credentials if they wish to gain…
How to manually complete a course offering for a learner
Is there a way that a Supper Admin can complete a course offering for a user? Currently, issuing an award is helpful, but the completion report looks like the user has not completed the course. Is there a way that I can complete the course manually for the user?
Display name on printable badge
Hello, We'd like the ability to display the badge recipient's name on the printable/shareable version of the badge. At the moment there is no way to confirm who the recipient is just by looking at the badge. Is this possible? Or does it need to go to the PIE? What we currently see: Thanks, Michelle
New Certificate ID Feature
Hi there, Just wondered if anyone had used the new Certificate ID feature? The latest release update seems to suggest that it's ready for use but I cannot get this to work. Thanks, Laura.
Can User Records Be Merged?
We need to merge user records for staff who have changed programs and have activity under old Brightspace accounts. If this is possible, can someone walk us through this process?
Change the displayed Date on a certificate.
Hello , Please is there a way to change the date format on a certificate. Example: i would like to change this date Thursday April 4, 2024 to April 4, 2024. Thanks
Attach Award Certificate to Intelligent Email
Is there away to take the Award certificate once earned, and attach it in an email to the students?
intelligent agent attachment
Hello, I was able to generate a certificate with the participant s full name from the course Award, but i would like to add it to the intelligent agent. the intelligent agent, sends an email with the certificate in the email attachment but the certificate does not include the user s name, how could i change the settings to…
Award - Deadline as a release condition
I am creating badges for my students based on their completion of some tasks (e.g. quizzes). But I want to award the badges only to those who complete it by a deadline. How can I add date-related release conditions to the badges? Thanks.