Is there a setting to automatically revoke the badges earned from lower scores?
Introduction: The Awards Tool shows all the earned badges for a three-attempt type of quiz instead of only showing one badge for the highest earned score. Scenario: I set up a quiz with three attempts. In the same manner I also setup a badge awards and name them as W11 Summative Exam Bronze Award W11 Summative Exam Silver…
Why do awards shared to LinkedIn show D2L as the issuer?
When creating an award, we specify the issuer name, issuer url and email. But when sharing an award to LinkedIn or Badgr, the issuer comes in as D2L and the student/award earner would need to adjust this themselves. Is this by design? Or could it attempt to match the issuer name that we entered on the award?
Release conditions on awards
Kia ora, We had two release conditions for our award. We removed one, hoping that the date would change. For example, we initaly had two release conditions. One being completing the assessment and the other being completing the evaluation survey. We noticed that although some oparticapnts completed the assessment and…
The SAVE button is greyed out on AWARDS
I am trying to create an AWARD but the SAVE button is not available to me. Ideas?
Can the wards tool be set up so that other courses within Brightspace can access proof of an...
Can the wards tool be set up so that other courses within Brightspace can access proof of an award being completed? For example, we have an Orientation to Online Learning course and often times instructors of other courses ask the students to upload proof I want the instructors to be able to look up if the student…
Where can I find an award's Revoked Reason and RevokedByID fields?
We have some awards that were revoked, but no one can remember who revoked them, or why. I'm trying to find the information in a dataset, but no luck so far.
Customized certificates e-mailed to users work e-mails?
If a staff completed a course with a certificate, is there a way to send them a customized certificate with their name and date of completion with expiry or do they have to login to D2L to access this certificate for printing? Thanks in advance!
Does the Certificate Template use Legal name or Preferred name?
Do the {FirstName}, {LastName}, and {FullName} fields in the award certificate generator get their data from the user's Legal First Name & Legal Last Name or Preferred First Name & Preferred Last Name? Thanks, -F.