Are you able to add Awards to the Class Progress categories?
As an administrator I am able to see what awards students are receiving but for staff they are not able to see Awards students are receiving. Is there a way to add Awards as a Class Progress category?
Intelligent agent for awards earned
Is there a way to set up an intelligent agent to generate a report for a given date range for learner's who have earned an award in a particular org unit?
Tying Awards To Rubrics
I'm trying to give awards to students based on their threshold level for a specific criteria on a rubric in a course. The rubric is just one criteron row. When I create the award, I set that a student has to hit a specific threshold (i.e. Level 3) on that criteron row (not the overall rubric row). I create an award for…
Awards not getting assigned
Hello quick question, the Instructors and myself currently can't assign awards to our students. I am thinking it might be something with conditions? Or something that we haven't turned on as in our Org. Any help you can provide would be great!
Copying Awards/Certificates across courses or other Brightspace instances
The course import/export/copy tool does not support copying Awards. Does anyone know of another way to replicate Awards across courses or to another Brightspace instance without having to manually recreate all of them?
Issuing A Mass Brightspace Certificate
I have the ability to create certificates - but I am looking to potentially send a certificate to a mass group of student's that received a Dean's List distinction for their grade performance. Are you able to issue a certificate to a group of students without searching individually for each student? ie. If I had a…
Where can I find the documentation/support on Hiding an award from users until it is earned, and Revoke an award?
Are you able to send a Brightspace Certificate to a mass group of students?
I am wondering if you can award/send a certificate to any student at the University? I have an idea to create a specific certificate for a group of students - but need to know if you can award the certificate to certain students and not students just in one course.
Learner badge (award icon) for uploading profile picture
HI, where can I find the badge(award icon) to award a learner who uploads a picture in their profile? I want to add it to my course but my institution doesn't have it in the award icon library. Ursula
Downloading earned certificates/awards for unenrolled students
We need to keep an archived record of earned certificates before unenrolling students from a course. What's the best way to download a zip of all earned certificates?
Awards tool and FERPA?
I was curious if other Universities that are implementing the Awards tool in you courses have established policies around use, so that FERPA was not violated?
Need help with badge size
We made our own badge images but they show up much smaller than the regular badges. I've tried resizing and removing the white around the badge but it always comes out small. Any ideas on how to make the badge appear larger? (the bottom blue badge is the one I'd like to make larger). Thanks!
Is it possible to use an award earned in one course as a release condition in a different course?
We would like to award a badge in the last course in a program that is conditionally released based on achievements in previous courses throughout the program. To do this, we could potentially set up badges in the previous courses and then award the final badge based on these previously earned badges, but we're not having…
Change the background of a D2L credential information page
Greetings, My name is Ervin Howard, Instructional Designer of the University of North Georgia (Oconee campus). I need some advice and assistance about the D2L credential information page that is generated after a recipient earns a digital badge. I attached a copy of an image of D2L information page that shows the…
Is there a setting to automatically revoke the badges earned from lower scores?
Introduction: The Awards Tool shows all the earned badges for a three-attempt type of quiz instead of only showing one badge for the highest earned score. Scenario: I set up a quiz with three attempts. In the same manner I also setup a badge awards and name them as W11 Summative Exam Bronze Award W11 Summative Exam Silver…
Why do awards shared to LinkedIn show D2L as the issuer?
When creating an award, we specify the issuer name, issuer url and email. But when sharing an award to LinkedIn or Badgr, the issuer comes in as D2L and the student/award earner would need to adjust this themselves. Is this by design? Or could it attempt to match the issuer name that we entered on the award?
Release conditions on awards
Kia ora, We had two release conditions for our award. We removed one, hoping that the date would change. For example, we initaly had two release conditions. One being completing the assessment and the other being completing the evaluation survey. We noticed that although some oparticapnts completed the assessment and…
The SAVE button is greyed out on AWARDS
I am trying to create an AWARD but the SAVE button is not available to me. Ideas?