You can track your progress for the current period using the My CPD Records widget on your organizational homepage. This widget shows how much work is required and the remaining work needed to achieve success.
The widget includes the following:
- Current period
- Depending on whether My CPD Records is configured to use duration or count, your Overall Progress indicates either the number of hours and minutes or the number of records completed towards goals

Figure: You can view the My CPD Records widget on your organizational homepage.
Click Go to My CPD Records to access detailed information about your professional development progress.
On the My CPD Records tab, you can switch from the Overall Progress view to the Progress by Category view of the dashboard if available. The latter view shows progress towards individual goals set for each category.

Figure: Click Progress by Category to view Structured, Unstructured, and Combined progress by Category.

Note: The My CPD Records widget only shows the categories for which you have professional development records within your current target range, or categories for which you have set targets. |
Video: Track Professional Development with My CPD Records