Share items with Brightspace ePortfolio
Share your Brightspace ePortfolio items internally and externally. Share Brightspace ePortfolio items with internal users Expand your knowledge with other users by sharing your ePortfolio items to collaborate effectively. Use permissions to share Brightspace ePortfolio items internally with other users. You can set up…
Sharing groups in Brightspace ePortfolio
Create sharing groups to save the permissions you want a user or group of users to have so you can reuse the permissions for other items. Create a sharing group You can create sharing groups for individual users or for all users in a particular course or group. You can have multiple sharing groups for the same users that…
Import and export Brightspace ePortfolio items
Import Brightspace ePortfolio items You can only import Brightspace ePortfolio packages into your Brightspace ePortfolio. If you have other items you want to add to your Brightspace ePortfolio, you must add them individually. On the navbar, click ePortfolio. On the My Items page, from the More Actions button, click Go to…
Share presentations with Brightspace ePortfolio
Share a presentation with all external users You can make a presentation public via URL. On the navbar, click ePortfolio. On the My Items page, from the context menu of the item you want to share, click Share. Select the Allow public viewing of presentation check box. Share the provided URL with external users. Click…