Where can I find my quiz?
There are different areas within Brightspace where your quizzes can be found:
- Content: Your instructor may have added course quizzes to Content where all other course materials can be found.

Figure: Click the quiz in your course module and then click Go to Quiz.
- Quizzes: If the Quizzes tool is visible on your course navbar, quizzes will be listed in the Quiz List.

Figure: Select a quiz from the Quiz List.
- Other areas where your quizzes might be found include the Announcements tool, the Work To Do widget, and the Calendar widget.
Unable to access a quiz / Missing quizzes
There are several reasons why you may not be able to find or access a quiz:
- The quiz you are looking for is hidden.
- Contact your instructor to verify they made the quiz visible.
- The quiz you are looking for has release conditions that have not been met.
- Instructors can set release conditions for quizzes to appear only after certain criteria are met. For example, a learner must view "Content Topic A" before they are able to view "Quiz A".
- Check your course syllabus as information could be included concerning any release conditions that are attached to quizzes.
- Contact your instructor for further information on whether there is a release condition attached to the quiz that is missing.
- The quiz you are looking for has special access settings set by your instructor.
- Contact your instructor if you believe that you should have access to a quiz outside of the dates set for the rest of the class.
Unable to start a quiz attempt
There are several reasons why you may not be able to start a quiz attempt, even if the quiz is visible:

Figure: The Attempts section shows you how many Allowed attempts you have and how many attempts are Completed. The Start Quiz button does not appear if you have already completed the allowed number of attempts.
- Your instructor may have set up your quiz to be available on a specific date and time. The quiz availability is listed above the Start Quiz button on the Quiz Details page. If the availability is set to a future date and time, the Start Quiz button will be grayed out. Contact your instructor if you believe that the quiz availability settings are incorrect.

Figure: Check the Availability section to see when your quiz is available.
- The quiz you are trying to complete has a password.
- Your instructor may set a password to access your quiz. If you do not know your password or the password provided is not working, contact your instructor.