How does one change the grade type (numberic vs. dropdown selections) on an assignment?
I have already created assignments and created grade items for them. I would like to change the assignment grading from numeric to be able to select from a drop down menu based on a grading scheme that I have already created. How do I do this?
Has there been a change to GRADES weights?
I have set up my GRADES to drop ungraded items. Recently I noticed a change as all of my students grades were suddenly either very low or too high. I discovered that I had graded one item from the next grade category. This category is worth 20% of the overall course mark. The one item that I graded was worth 1.5% of that…
Can I integrate an additional feature inside D2L to import student grades from an outside source?
I want to create/integrate a feature, e.g., a new Activity, that would allow me to import students' grades from an outside source like GitHub or GitHub Classroom. Is there any API I can use for that?
'Feedback Released' email but no feedback/grades when opened
Hi, Is there anyone who has received the Grades published email but is not able to see the results/grade? I am so worried about this not knowing if this is a technical glitch or should I be concerned about academic misconduct or something else (Which is not possible, as the work I did was solely mine. I did not use any…
Grades displaying "days late" messages for items from Assignments
When we have an "open date" and a "due date" set in Assignments, Grades is displaying a "days late" message for learners who have not submitted the assignment. This appears to be new this semester. When I contacted support I was told the only way to remove it was to turn off the due date, which we don't want to do. Has…
I've tried everything available in Brightspace to "unexempt" grade items but it is not saving the changes even after hitting "Save and Close". Any ideas?
Grading with an IPad
I Love grading reports/papers with an IPAD but the submission tool is really hard to use without making a ton of mis writes when scrolling. Any chance of fixing that system?
Formula grade items - weighted?
I'm trying to create a gradebook item that gives the maximum of two other grades, and this new grade should be worth 30% of the course grade. So far, I am suspecting that formula items can't be given weights in BS's weighted grading system, and this seems to result in this item being completely ignored in my course grades…
How do I UNDO the change in the point value of a quiz in the Brightspace gradebook
How do I UNDO the change in the point value of a quiz in the Brightspace gradebook The grades were from 50. I changed the max point to 25….all grades changed to 25. Can I undo this? and have all grades back again from 50?
Why is feedback from an instructor showing it is coming from a different instructor?
I have a course with multiple instructors at my university. One instructor has been leaving feedback to students, but they are seeing the feedback coming from a different instructor's name. Therefore, it looks like the first instructor hasn't given any feedback. When this instructor tries to click on the feedback they've…
Question on data reported for feedback read
Hi! We recently were looking at the "FeedbackIsRead" column in the data report "Assignment submissions" and we've noticed some issues with the way the data is collected for feedback. If a user views their overall feedback from the Gradebook, this doesn't count as "read". Additionally, if there is inline marks that the…
Color Coding in Percentage Grading Scheme
Hi! I am looking to find the criteria for the different colors that appear in the gradebook when using the default "Percentage" grading scheme. Where can I find that information? Thanks!
Can't delete items from gradebook
I have several items that made their way into a course gradebook unintentionally and I am unable to delete them. I have been able to delete other items successfully from the gradebook in the 'manage grades' page; however, some of the items are greyed out, and can't be selected for delete (image below). The strange thing…
Import grade and feedbacks using Excel
Is there anyone who knows if there is a way to bulk import grade and feedback using Excel? Or may be such feature does not exist?
Availability of a leaderboard add-in?
I was able to add a leaderboard (based on total points earned) to my old Blackboard course but that 3rd party add-in (from another college prof who shared his work) is not compatible with Brightspace. The students really liked having the leaderboard that was automatically updated as students earned points. It was engaging…
Is it possible to set the display options for a Grade Category using the API
We want to create Grade Categories and Grade items using the API and I was wondering if it is possible to set the Display options (see picture) using the API. Creating Grade Categories and Grade Items work perfect but I can't find how I can set the display options so I can hide the calculated total score for the Grade…
Late Submission of Quiz
Is there a way to be notified or stop the submission of late quizzes? Currently I have students that submit quizzes late and the grade goes automatically to the gradebook over righting the zero grade that was there. I do not want to put an end date as I want my students to be able to see their assignments after so they can…
How to provide different rubric mark for individual students in group assignment.
Some of my group assignments include an individual component but the whole piece is submitted together. My current rubric includes both group and individual components but I can't figure out how to get D2L Brightspace to allow me to publish the group grade and then provide a separate individual grade that utilizes the…
How can TA access view assignment question and instruction in order to grade the assignment?
How do I add Bonus Points to the grade book?
We played a Bingo class in game to increase participation, but I'm not sure how to add Bonus points in my grade book for the winners.