Score of quiz verus weighting of assignment

Hello everyone!

I have a question about scoring and grade book items.

Say in my subject I have an assessment item called 'Quizzes' and it is worth 10% of the overall grade for the subject.

In Brightspace, this is broken down to 6 separate quizzes. Each quiz is marked out of 10 points.

So, I know that instead of one grade item in the grade book worth 10 percent, I need 6 grade items that correspond to the six quizzes.

When I create these grade items, for the section maximum points under grading, do I put 10 as in the 10 marks the quiz is graded out of, or do I put 1.67, to represent 10 divided by 6 (10% assessment weighting divided by six quizzes)?

Hope this makes sense.

Thank you 😀



  • Chris.S.534
    Chris.S.534 Posts: 375

    Hi Holly,

    One way to manage this is to create a Grade Category to which you can assign a weight.

    Enter the weight (%) that you want the category to contribute to the final grade. Grade items within the category contribute toward this weight.


    Hope that helps!

  • Holly.A.103
    Holly.A.103 Posts: 18 🌱

    Hi @Chris.S.534 Thanks for your reply. So when I create the grade items within that category, do I still put them as 1.67 points, or do I put them as the 10 points they are marked out of?

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 357 🎆

    @Holly.A.103 Create each grade item with a maximum of 10 points, then put a 10% weight on the Quizzes category. The category can be set to either Distribute weights by points across all items in the category or
    Distribute weight evenly across all items since your quizzes are all worth the same number of points anyway.

    Each of the 6 items in that category will show as 16.7% since the weights within a category add up to 100%, but the overall weight that contributes to the final grade will be 1.67% (10% x 16.7%) even though this will not show in the grade book.

  • Holly.A.103
    Holly.A.103 Posts: 18 🌱

    Hi @jennifer.W.358 Thanks for your reply. How do I set weighting for a category? It's not coming up as an option for me when I create the category.

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 357 🎆

    @Holly.A.103 You'll have to change to a weighted grade book under Settings and Calculation Options.