How do I set up KTCA rubrics and grading schemes?

Jazzmin.E.153 Posts: 8 🔍

We've been gradually migrating from Edsby to Brightspace.

Does anyone know how I can do the following:

A. Create a KTCA rubric similar to the image below.

B. Set up my grade book with KTCA achievement levels.

C. Create a report card similar to this?

Thank you!



  • Matt.W.287
    Matt.W.287 Posts: 61

    Hello Jazzmin

    The rubric samples you attached above both look achievable. One has more levels than the other (smaller percentage ranges), if they were both to be rubrics, but in either case bunch of levels could be set up in a rubric so that when you clicked on one of the levels (columns) under a given criteria (row) the learner would get the corresponding number of points which is calculated as a percentage score.

    I'll first describe the use of a rubric to generate a score and not a way to derive different "levels" from a percentage value (from an assessment).

    Using your first attached image (sample-ktca-rubric.png) the Criteria (rows) are Knowledge, Thinking, Communication, and Application. The Levels (columns) are Level 1 - Level 4 and the descriptions of each are the remaining text we see in that PNG image. To give someone the corresponding percentages with this rubric I might award 55, 65, 75, and 95 points for Level 1-4 respectively. The combination of these across the four criteria would create some value between 220 and 380. Divided by 400, you'll again get something between 55% and 95% which leaves the learner in one of those four levels overall.

    If, rather, you want to start with a percentage obtained from the course assessments and give a learner a point value like we see in your second attached image (ktca-achievement-levels.png) then you would set up a Grade Scheme in your course. In the attached image I created this sort of grade scheme.

    If you used this scheme in your course then the Gradebook would look similar to your third attached image (sample-gradebook-with-achievement-levels.png) and would give an overall result similar (combining 4+, 4, 4, and 4- as "4").

    So the Rubric is used to apply a score to the assessed activity using a grid of meaningful explanations, and a Grade Scheme is the way to display the overall percentage grade as the set of "symbols" you provided.

    Finally, the "Report Card". This is something that could be achieved as a custom report. The data is all available but the magic here is how it's laid out.

    My recommendation is to reach out to your Customer Success Manager to show you how this is all done in Brightspace and to get an Estimate Request for the custom report.

    I hope that's all helpful!
    Learning Administration Manager

  • Jazzmin.E.153
    Jazzmin.E.153 Posts: 8 🔍

    This is very helpful, Matt. Thank you!😊