Seeing stats before publishing grades
Is there a way to see the stats for an exam that I had my class take online before I publish the grades? I want to be able to see them so I can see if I need to throw out a question.
Accidental grade release
Hi While grading some student papers I accidentally made the grades visible, I quickly set them to be hidden, however, one student can still see the grade I awarded. They cant see the associated feedback though. How can I ensure that the grade they got can be hidden?
Gradebook visibility
Hello, The default for the gradebook sets final grades to invisible. This is a major issue for students since they can see their individual earned grades, but not their overall grade. To add to the problem, despite showing faculty how to turn the visibility on, many assume final grades are already visible. Is there a way…
When do the items mentioned in the May 2024 Release Notes take effect?
Excited about the addition of Feedback from Quizzes and Discussions to the Grades view for students mentioned in May's Release Notes. I don't see it yet. When does it take effect?
How do I download a copy of the gradebook for each of my classes?
Is there a way to make Exempt work with formulas?
Let's say I have two items in my grade book, A and B, each worth 10 points. And I have a formula item, Total, with the following formula: (([A.Points Received] + [B.Points Received]) / ([A.Max Points] + [B.Max Points])) * 100 And I have a student who scored 10/10 on item A, and is Exempt for item B. I am finding that their…
Downloads from D2L are now being directed to Brightspace instead of the normal download process.
Where do I get my downloads?
I need a Final Calculated Grade formula of 70% that also requires each grade item to be over 70%?
Edit Categories
I have an existing category. By the end of the semester, I decided to remove each student's lowest grade. How can I do this? All posts show how to do this while creating a new category, not an existing one.
Setup Wizard
I have three classes set up in BS, ALL classes are set the same in Setup Wizard (grades). Two of my classes show the students their final grades at the top when they log into BS to see their grades, the third class doesn't show the grade. EVERYTHING is set the same and yes, Release Final Adjust Grade is checked. Any ideas…
How do I delete a grade from my grade book that is a duplicate?
I have a journal entry location in my grade book, however, it is a duplicate entry. How do I delete the assignment from the grade book.
Quiz Feedback on Individual Questions
An instructor for one of our Stats courses has several quizzes with the entire solution to the question entered in the Feedback area for each question in each quiz. Students are allowed two attempts, with the highest attempt counted. After the first and second attempts, she wants students to see the questions they got…
Median for aggregating grades
Is there any easy way to use the median rather than the mean/average as the aggregation for a group of grades? Median is not even one of the functions available if you add a formula item to the gradebook, so I cannot add a formula or calculated column to use. I just want to get to the point I can say here are X number of…
Why are my grades out of order?
When looking at grades, the columns for each weeks' assignments are out of order. Is there a way to rearrange, so I can see them chronologically? The data was imported from last year's course site, which I did not create, so I also don't know if this is by design or user error on the part of my predecessor.
Pagination/students per page in Gradebook
How can I change the number of students faculty can view per page in the gradebook? Right now the max they can see is 10 per page and we have set our pagination settings to 250, but it hasn't affected the gradebook. Any tips?
Help me change the number of users I can view in my gradebook!
I have watched the tutorials. I know where to go. I just can't change the number of users in my gradebook - why? How can I fix this? In most of my gradebooks, I can see all of my students without having to save the page and go to another page…but in two of my courses, it only shows me 10 students at a time. When I am in my…
Editing the title of an Assignment isn't reflected in Grade Book
In Classic Experience— I have some assignments that are already linked to the Grade Book. I've noticed that if I edit the title of the Assignment, the title isn't automatically updated in the Grade Book. I have to edit the title in the Grade Book as an additional step. Is this correct? To try to get around this I tried…
Opening file submissions
When grading assignments, is there a way to have the assignment submission automatically open when moving between student submissions vs. clicking the file to open each time. For this course in particular students have to submit in .pdf format, so when trying to grade submissions for numerous students at a time, I find you…
Overide a grade in BS
I have moved a learner from Moodle to a Brightspace course that is not identical. I want to omit assignments with similar outcomes and input an overridden overall grade. How can I do that? I can't seem to find anything in the documentation on how to override a grade.