Can I use one grade item for two assignments?
I have two versions of the same assignment. Students can only access one version and it produces a mark depending on which group they belong to. So I end up with two columns of marks. Each student has a mark for the assignment they did and a zero for the assignment they don't have access to. What I want is one column of…
Final Adjusted grade denominator and zeros
Hi everyone, Background: We are working on automating the transfer of Brightspace gradebooks to our Student Management System. To do this we have values in both the Final Calculated Grade (the majority of students) and the Final Adjusted Grade columns (those students needing adjustments after Faculty review). A two-part…
Grade push (Work Flow - Policy)
We are working on automating the transfer of Brightspace grade book to our Student Management System (Banner/Ellucian). Would anyone be willing to share their workflow or policies and procedures? We are a Health Related Institute with many schools and various programs. Thank you!
Grouping Learners but not a group task
I have 2 groups of learners in a class. I have made 2 groups and 2 sets of assignments. When marking I still see the entire class, not just the students in that grouping. How can I change this? Do I need to make sections rather than groups?
Is there a way to filter Gradebook by submission dates?
It would be helpful as a teacher if I could see submissions/grades filtered by term/semester (or even better be able to choose a start/end date for a view). This would particularly with the Mastery Gradebook because I can then use this view to help with reporting in each of the terms. If this is not possible, I would like…
Gradebook - How do I?
Is there a way in the gradebook to set up an item where the students only receive the points for a specific quiz, if they receive a 98% or higher? Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
Is there a way to have draft assignment grades visible to instructors in the Gradebook?
We have faculty members who are grading assignments. If they enter a numeric grade, and then click the "Save as Draft" button, the grade and feedback are saved. However, the numeric grade does not appear in the gradebook, to the instructor, before it is published. Sometimes instructors want to go back and see the list of…
Grade question
I have had several students question why it showed 8.95/10 in the area with the final grade. The students actually had grades of A with percentages of 94% for example.
Manually entering grades and then publishing the same assignment
Hi there, I want students to see their mark now but not see their assignment feedback. So I want to manually enter their marks in the grade book while keeping the assignment in draft mode, unpublished. Once I'm ready to publish the assignments, will this be a problem or will the marks just override what is already entered…
Is it possible to delete event logs?
I have grades that have disappeared in the brightspace gradebook, and when I tried to investigate, there are no 'event' logged. The submitted files for the assignment in question have all been 'read', supporting the TAs assertion that they graded the assignment, but the grades are all gone. I am concerned that someone has…
I have set up grade categories and all are working expect the application (as shown in picture). This category is totalling 20 points and not the total of all assignment, currently there are 30 points. This is making the students marks are very high. Can someone help?
In Mastery View, why do my assessments say they're not assessed?
I'm testing learning outcomes in a course. I have a course that has two quizzes. Both quizzes auto publish their results and grades. The Mastery View settings use the "Highest" calculation method. The learning outcomes are aligned with a 0/50/75 scale. I logged in as a test user, and ensured they passed at least one exam.…
Auto text on Brightspace?
Hello, I'm looking for ways in which the assessment process can be more efficient for faculty and I'm wondering if there's an auto text feature (like you find in Microsoft word) that allows you to save snippets of feedback that are commonly used and can easily be edited to personalize the feedback. Thanks, Yildiz
Grade Sync Error - 409 Refusing score with an earlier timestamp
Hi D2L Team, Based on the few escalations reported by customers on the Pearson side, it appears that some users are encountering the following error during the grade sync process. LmsGradePushException: 409 Conflict: [Requested score timestamp is less than or equal to the timestamp of last score received]\\n\\tat The…
Where to locate student's grade after switching sections?
Hello, I recently had a student switching from one section to another (both sections are my classes). Now I only see his grades for items AFTER the switch in the current section and can't see his profile and grades for items BEFORE the switch in the old section. Anyone knows the grades in the old section would be stored…
Can teachers mark a student's assignment as completed (like an override)?
Sometimes students submit work outside the requested method (e.g. on paper instead of file submission). Is there a way I can mark their assignments as completed, so that it no longer shows on their to-do list after I publish a mark and give feedback? It seems silly to have an incomplete/unsubmitted assignment that has been…
Maximum category score
I set up two categories, 50% each, and set each category to weight assignments evenly across the whole category. One is behaving how I expected, but the other has capped the maximum possible score at 29.5 / 50. How do I fix it? (Note: If you can see the screenshot, the category is titled "Attendance")
Cycle through assignments to grade
I'm frustrated in being unable to simply look at an assignment and read and grade all submissions by cycling through them. For example, I choose one, read and grade, click next ungraded, read and grade, etc. The only way to do this is to either go to (1) quick eval where I have to see the assignment, grade, click back,…
changed assignment folder submission type after scoring the rubric and publishing feedback
and now the feedback and scored rubric have dissappeared ? there were never any submissions made to the assignment folder or a grade item attached to it, is there any way to restore this please?