Formulas and activities that do not count in the final grade

Lynn.L.12 Posts: 13 🌱

I have a series of 6 quizzes in a course. The quiz scores themselves do not count into the course's final grade. However, if students earn over 70% per quiz on all six quizzes, they get a single excellence point in a numeric grade item (filled manually).

I have a formula-grade item set up to count this. When I manually add numbers to the grade items associated with the quizzes, it works.

However, because the grade items are not factored into the final grade, a number is not published into the grades tool from the quizzes. All I get are Zeros in the gradebook.

Thoughts on how to accomplish my goal?

  1. I need a quiz score published in the gradebook
  2. The score is counted into a formula grade item, with 5 other quiz scores.
  3. Each quiz score does not factor into the final grade.

Thank you for any help!


Best Answer

  • Jennifer.W.973
    Jennifer.W.973 Posts: 357 🎆
    Answer ✓

    @Lynn.L.12 Hi Lynn, is your grade book set to treat ungraded items as 0? Also check the quiz settings and see if the Synchronize to grade book on publish box is checked. Scores should still be sent correctly from the quiz even if the grade item is set to be excluded from the final grade calculation.


  • Hi Lynn.L.12,

    You could try something like the following, with Grading System set to Points as an example.

    • Create your quizzes and associated grade items
    • On each of the quiz grade items select Exclude from Final Grade Calculation
    • Create an additional Formula grade item type to capture the overall quiz result (based off the 5 quiz scores)
    • The grade item formula would look something like the following
    Points Received
    =IF{ (([Quiz1.Points Received] >= 70) AND ([Quiz2.Points Received] >= 70) AND … ), 1, 0 }
    • If all 5 quiz grade items are all >= 70 they get 1 point otherwise they get 0

    Hope that helps!

  • Lynn.L.12
    Lynn.L.12 Posts: 13 🌱

    Thank you - the issue that I am running into is a grade of "0" is being sent from the quiz to the assoicated grade item. Is this because the grade item is excluded from the final grade calculation?

  • Lynn.L.12
    Lynn.L.12 Posts: 13 🌱

    And…. problem solved! Many thanks!