Changing Brightspace Usernames?
Is it possible to change a Username on Brightspace without any disruption? Meaning can this be done without creating issues or any complications for the user and their course enrollments, etc.? Reasoning behind this, is that we have some username accounts that are not part of SSO O365 credentialing. Their accounts were…
Problem with third-party integration - LTI Advantage and Oauth 2.0 authentication
Greetings! We have a third party tool trying to integrate the Brightspace API through Oauth 2.0. Our goal is for them to obtain an access token so they can use grading services (LTI 1.3). In this initial stage we are following the directions provided…
Global announcements
Our district is currently setting up multiple schools on Bright Space on the district page. Is there anyway to prevent announcements that are posted from other schools from being automatically posted into our school landing page?
How can my TA edit the grades
I added my TA as instructor because I could not find a role like "teaching assistant" , however, my TA still could not see the Grades from their end.
What permissions determine which items show up in the menus?
I've been updating role permissions and noticed some odd behavior. See Groups and See Sections permissions cause the Groups and Sections links to appear in the Course Admin page, but not in the Course Admin dropdown menu. What controls them in the menu? Similarly, See Organization Files does not cause Organization Files to…
Instructor Permissions
I want my instructor role to be able to reset passwords manually and send password reset links. Where am I finding this in permissions???
Switching from Instructor to Student view
Is there a way that when you switch from Instructor to Student view and back, that it doesn't go to the main page and stays on the page that you are trying to view?
Issue with access to Names and Role Services
Hi there! Help needed please. I'm trying to access Names and Role Service but the response returned is 400, "Client is not authorized to set a 'https://purl.imsglobalorg/spec/lti-nrps/scope/contextmembership.readonly' claim". I'm logged in as admin and can see all the quizzes so I have access to them but no access to Names…
What role is needed to enroll students in a course
What role is needed to enroll students in a course and how to I assign that role to the course's instructor?
Start Button Missing? Tried other solutions
I am in the unique position of content creator/instructor/admin and am switching to 'view as learner' to ensure quiz is working. The start button is missing completely and is not visible to my colleagues. I have already checked other problems in forums and have the following: -Start and End dates complete -Users are…
I wish to list all forum posts by a specific student for any selected unit. How do I do that?
My university is using templates and so I do not have permissions to access many of the D2L functions. Currently we do not have access to the Rubric editor.
How to GET instructors for a course offering
Hello, We are building an integration between Workday Student and Brightspace. We plan on using the D2L Standard CSV method in IPSIS, but are running into a problem. We can build a delta report that will tell us which course offerings have changes, and will return all of the current instructors. But so far, it seems like…
Student Grading
I have a particular instance where a faculty member wants to allow one of her student workers to be able to grade a certain set of assignments. She doesn't want them to access the entire gradebook but only be able to grade these assignments. Is that possible? I understand that I may need to create a Student Grader role but…
Course extension options
Some of our courses are available for a period of 12 months from the date of enrollment. Some of our learners, however, request a discretionary extension towards the end of the 12 months. We offer this extension in the form of 1-3 months, through the use of IAs, Groups and a "Learner - extension" Role. Is there a better…
Changing a user role
How can you change a user role? e.g. from designer to Learner.
Multiple evaluators
If you have multiple markers, how do you set WHO can publish grades, to avoid markers accidently clicking publish instead of save draft when grading?
Managing Sections
Good Morning, Our institution uses sections to manage large intakes. We have up to 200 students for some intakes. We would like to look into ways to stop instructors from posting in other sections, as many often forget to restrict their posts to their own sections. Is there any way for their roles to only post to their own…
Can you create two different Learner roles?
I've received a request from faculty/administration to create a secondary learner role for our institution. They would like to be able to see whether students enrolled in their courses are student athletes. I know that I can create two roles, Student and Student Athlete, but would there be a way to map those so that they…
Posting Announcements on the Homepage
Just wondering if there is a way to post an Announcement on the Homepage but can only be seen by role permission? Example, a Faculty Survey posted on the Announcements page but can only be read by Instructors and has a clickable url. Same with Students, Student Survey posted on the Announcements page but can only be read…
Role not available in course migrated from another org unit (School)?
Hello wonderful D2L community! We have somewhat of an urgent issue that I'm trying to understand. We worked with our LMS administration to create a unique role that allows us to use the LMS autonomously for our internal courses (corporate use) and still protects the academic use of the same system (students). We currently…