Gradebook > View Auditor "Not Authorized"

When our faculty users attempt to look up a student's auditor (coach), they receive a Not Authorized error.
This error also occurs when an Admin user impersonates a faculty member.
However, when an Admin uses Role Switch to faculty, the error doesn't occur.
What's going on, and how do we let faculty view auditors? The auditor permissions are set in the role.
@Francis.U.332 Hi Francis,
Thank you for reaching out to us on the Community site.
The issue you have reported where the faculty users at your site get a Not Authorized error when trying to view a student's auditor (coach), and also Admin users are unable to impersonate a faculty member.
This requires further analysis and deeper investigation on our side.
Can you please open a support case with us by providing the full steps to reproduce so that we can further investigate the issue and provide you with a solution?