What is the future of web development in your opinion?
What is the future of web development in your opinion?
How to archive courses?
We have several courses from 2019 - onwards that are still available for faculty and administrators. The goal is to archive the courses after each graduating class leaves. I saw that Data Purge may be the way to accomplish this - how can I use this tool? Ideally, the steps would look like this: Designate obsolete courses…
my cousre next course is not on my portal
my next course is not on my portal for Kineo
get data from API
I am trying to pull data like given in the Datahub → Data Sets → 1. Organisational Units, 2. User Enrolments, 3. Course Access
Allow users' to view an expired/closed course
Please share your organization's best practice on how we can allow users to view an expired/closed course—but NOT earn a certificate. Is this handled through an intelligent agent role change with different roles and permissions assigned to that specific role? Such as a 'Read Only' role?
How do I access an instructor's activity?
Hi, How do I access a user (instructor) activity where I can see who they've communicated with and the response, and how often they log in outside of hours?
Student can't login from a second device
Is there any way to see when a system change was made? Specifically, when the login page was changed
find my class as an instructor
I am teaching a new course, TED 123, at Buffalo State University. How do i access this course in order to add content and accept assignment submissions?
Does the Sections tool fully isolate sections?
Does the Sections tool completely isolate students in different sections from each other? Specifically, if there is a Brightspace shell for Psych 100 with two sections (1 and 2), and a student is enrolled in section 1, with the Sections tool, but not enrolled in section 2... Is there any way that student could see the…
What are some of your favorite tools for student and instructor accountability?
Hello! I am curious what the community thinks are some of the best tools for student and instructor accountability. Things like login times, submission times, feedback response times. Tools that help administrators keep students and instructors accountable. Thank you:)
How do you get a course out of the recycling bin?
I put a course in the recycling bin without removing the students first. How do I get the course out? If I leave the course in the recycling bin will this cause a problem?
Hiding Courses from Faculty
Is there a way to hide courses from faculty until they are finalized and assigned to the proper faculty member?
Controlling access throughout course page
Is there a way to control access to certain areas of a course page? Am I able to control which students can see a module area under content. We have courses where two sections require different information but fall within the same course page. I can control access through Special Access to assignments; but I'm wondering if…
First time
Hi everyone, I am new to this site so I always expect help and support. Hope this semester will be a great one. However, I am not be able to see any content from my online course (221 Transportation Management) in the Bright Space. Any suggestions please.
No contents
Hi, I am SUNY Schenectady County Community College and trying to open the content from my online class 221 Transportation Management but not showing anything. How can I get it ? Please help.
CITF course LIBF
Hello guys i am amr and studying CITF in trade finance is ther any body here study the same thanks
I need help on how to start my course
I need help on how to start my course
Potential for learning site to be zero-rated
Hi, does anyone have experience in getting your learning site zero-rated? I understand this would depend on the cloud platform, AWS in our case. We have a potential requirement to request mobile network operators to zero-rate the site to enable access for students who can't be on eduroam and would need to use mobile data…
Cannot access courses
I have recently joined the Driver Youth Trust who uses your platform for their courses. I need to evaluate these courses. I can get access with an Admin user - that is, Caroline Bateman. While this is helpful I want to be able to access the courses as an external client would. DYT have been created me a second user with…