Enrollment at a School or Department level

we have deans who we are wanting to give an observer role but we want to only enroll them in a specific school at the university. How do you enroll them at the college or school level? Is that even possible what is an easy work around without manually adding them to each course. See image below: thanks!!



  • Hi Emily,

    Yes, you can enroll users at the School/Department levels.

    In the first instance create a role with the permissions required for the role e.g. the Read Only role you mentioned. Your Brightspace environment may already have a Read Only role provided as an example. If you want the user enrolled to have access to all the course offerings under a School/Department you can create the role as a cascading role, or amend the existing one.

    If the role is already in use be mindful any changes to role permissions will impact all users allocated that role.

    Amend the role permissions to match the actions you want the user in that role to perform. Test the role at the Course Offering level, ensuring it doesn't have too many permissions etc. and adjust accordingly.

    Enrol a test user at the School/Department level and test again ensuring the user can see/access all the expected courses at the Organisation MyHome level. Ensure the user can only perform the actions you want them to perform at the MyHome level.

    The following resource may also be helpful, see https://community.d2l.com/brightspace/kb/articles/4451-about-roles-and-permissions

    Hope that helps!