Release Notes Updates

Hi Community Followers!
Bookmark this discussion to receive an automated email when new Release Notes are posted.
The Release Notes are intended for clients to stay up to date with the improvements and updates made to the Brightspace platform on a monthly basis.
Brightspace 2022.22.12 is available now! Visit our all-new relaunched Brightspace Community and access Brightspace December 2022/2022.22.12 Release Notes to learn about the exciting new features available to you in December!
I see that the January 20.23.01 Pre-Release notes are available here starting on 12/14:, but I didn't see a comment here to see if we are ready to start reviewing.
January 2023/20.23.1 Preview Release Notes are indeed live and ready for review!
Please note, this is only a preview for the upcoming Brightspace version, which we will begin to roll out on January 5. All features described are subject to change before then.
@Judy Bot658 Thanks! Will the pre-release notes/release notes also continue to be posted on the current community (here: or should we look only in the new community now?
@Autumn_Moore, thank you for your patience. Preview Release Notes are now ready for review.
Well hey there @Autumn_Moore!
This is a great question!
- As of December 12, 2022: with the exception Known Issues and Fixed Notifications and the Stay in the Know article itself, D2L will no longer publish or update articles in the Legacy Brightspace Community. You can still view existing articles, but we encourage you to start updating links in your own resources to the New Brightspace Community to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.
- December 15, 2022: Starting with the Preview Release Notes for January 2023/20.23.1, Release Notes will only be published in English in the New Brightspace Community. You can presently view the Brightspace Platform December 2022/20.22.12 final release notes in both the Legacy Brightspace Community and the New Brightspace Community. This will be the final Release Note we publish into the Legacy Community.
Inspired by your feedback, we'll work on getting a version of Stay in the Know posted here in the New Community, connected to our Community Roadmap. Very grateful to you for your questions here
@Stefanie Bal729 Excellent! Thank you for this information!
@Stefanie Bal729 Agree, thanks for this info. We would like to share with our Admin Community, but @Autumn_Moore and I are running into an issue with the "Stay in the Know" page. We can view it when not logged into the legacy community, but upon logging in, we both get errors for that page.
@Judy Bot658 Could the legacy community page for All Release Notes be updated to note going forward those will be here/in the new community?
Preview Release Notes
Brightspace Platform January 2023/20.23.1 Preview Release Notes will be available on 15 December 2022.
Thanks, Amanda
@Autumn_Moore @Amanda.King-Spezzo3818 GREAT GREAT CATCH.!
sincere apologies you ran into that!
I believe that's fixed now, but let us know if you run into any other challenges there
@Amanda.King-Spezzo3818, we have updated the All Release Notes page accordingly.
Thanks for the catch!
Release information for Brightspace Platform for January 2023/20.23.1 is now available, including Release Notes, Release Highlights video, and updated feature information.
For the first time in the new Brightspace Community, Release Notes information is also available in multiple languages, including French (fr-CA), Spanish (es-MX), Portugese (pt-BR), Dutch (nl-NL), and Arabic (ar-SA).
Just in case it's handy
February 2023/20.23.2 Preview Release Notes are live and ready for review!
Please note, this is only a preview for the upcoming Brightspace version, which we will begin to roll out on February 2. All features described are subject to change before then.
Good morning friends!
Just as a friendly heads up, the Link to the Release Highlights Video for the January 2023/20.23.1 Release has been updated in the Release Notes for all languages.
You can also find the current Release Highlights Video here.
Good evening! We have just published some late changes to the following release notes:
December 2022/20.22.12 Release Notes
- Removed the Language Management – A single point of update available for Mastery View language term | Update release note. This feature will be available in a later release
- Updated the Media Library – Support added for Bulk Actions | New release note to add animated GIFs instead of an image.
- Updated the Rubrics – Keep track of changes to assessed rubrics with enhanced visual cues | Updated release note to replace an image with the animated GIF.
- Updated the Quizzes – Add quiz availability dates to your Calendar | Updated release note to replace an image with the animated GIF.
January 2023/20.23.1 Release Notes
- Updated the Learning Outcomes – Clear aligned learning outcomes from assessment activities | New release note to add animated GIFs instead of an image.
- Updated the Rubrics – Discard incomplete evaluations | Updated release note to replace an image with the animated GIF.
February 2023/20.23.2 Preview Release Notes
- Removed the Language Management – A single point of update available for Mastery View language term | Update release note. This feature will be available in a later release
- Updated the Media Library – Support added for Bulk Actions | New release note to add animated GIFs instead of an image.
- Updated the Rubrics – Keep track of changes to assessed rubrics with enhanced visual cues | Updated release note to replace an image with the animated GIF.
- Updated the Quizzes – Add quiz availability dates to your Calendar | Updated release note to replace an image with the animated GIF.
Release notes for Brightspace Platform February 2023/20.23.2 are now live and ready to review in all languages.
Will the automated Continuous Delivery Monthly Update Reminder email be updated with the link to this page? It still takes me to the legacy Brightspace Community page.
Great catch- just connecting with some of the folks who help generate that email to put that change on their radar <online high five>
March 2023/20.23.3 Preview Release Notes are now live and ready for review! 🔍️
Please note, this is only a preview for the upcoming Brightspace version, which we will begin to roll out on March 2, 2023. All features described are subject to change before then.
We have also recently published corrections and clarifications in the following release notes:
- Updated the Data Hub – Data type changed for TurnItIn Submissions BDS | Updated release note to replace digits with bytes.
- Updated the Intelligent Agents – Support for copying One-Time Run agents | New release note to clarify that previous behaviour did not copy One-Time Run agent schedules.
- Updated the LTI – Improved Grades Associations for LTI 1.3 | Updated release note to clarify the Auto Create Grade Items LTI Advantage Deployment configuration setting description.
- Updated the Rubrics – Simplified learner permissions to view rubric feedback | Updated topic to better describe the implications of withdrawing the See Rubrics permission.
March 2023/20.23.3 Preview Release Notes have been republished and include the following changes:
- Added on 14-February-2023 Updated the Calendar – Prevent duplicate calendar events on copy/import to reduce performance issues | Updated feature to include Location as one of the fields checked for duplication on course copy or import.
- Added on 14-February-2023 Updated the User Management and Settings – Easily change language preferences using the User Menu | New feature to replace images with the animated GIF.
- Added on 14-February-2023 Updated the Org Unit Management – Improved the Org Unit Editor workflow | Updated feature to change the animated GIF.
- Added on 14-February-2023 Updated the Org Unit Management – Improved searching and introduces additional filtering to the Org Unit Editor| Updated feature to change the animated GIF.
Does bookmarking this discussion also alert me to changes on the High Impact Changes page? I could not see a way to bookmark that High Impact Changes page.
In short, yes! The High Impact Changes Timeline is now released as part of the Release Note cadence twice a month (Preview and Final). If there are changes to the High Impact Changes Timeline, that is when we will be publishing those updates. You'll notice that the format of the High Impact Changes Timeline has changed to provide a more streamlined view. We have decoupled the detailed feature description from the timeline table and replaced it with a link to the product blog. This change enables Product Managers to provide new information in their blog post as soon as it is available. without being constrained by the Release Note publishing cadence.
March 2023/20.23.3 Release Notes are now live and ready to review in all languages.
The following update has also been published in the February 2023/20.23.3 Release Notes:
- Added on 2-March-2023 Updated the LTI – Improved Grades Associations for LTI 1.3 | Updated release note to accurately describe this feature.
Kindly note that Help documentation is available in English for all roles and segments. We are continuing to work through a translation delay and will provide a further update as our Help content is made available in all languages.
Thank you for your patience.
Good morning, everyone.
Help content is now also available in in French (Canadian), Spanish (Mexican), Dutch, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Arabic (Saudi Arabian).
Thank you for bearing with us as we worked on making these resources available.
Have a good day!
In the 20.23.3 Update, it mentions users can change their language… Are the packs something that need to be bought? Or is there a repository?
Hi Tyler.Kron,
I believe the different language packages need to be purchased, but it could depend on what product your institution currently has purchased.
-Lara Wolters, Purdue University Northwest
@Tyler.Kron-Piatek26 , @Lara.Wolters2314 , language packs do need to be purchased if you want to change the language in your Brightspace Learning Environment instance. The languages we're talking about here are for the Release Notes and the Documentation knowledge base (located under the Documentation menu in the nav bar) in Brightspace Community. All the localized content Brightspace Community are available to all users, without any additional cost.
It's interesting on how all support languages are free yet languages in brightspace are a cost item. Bit of a cultural expectation difference. Especially when a organization may exist in countries that officially have more than one langauge. Historically companies normally support and implement the country's official languages for free and have additional language packs that may or not be free. Wordperfect, and more relevently microsoft come to mind. 🥲. Just saying.
This is very important feedback and I want you to know we have shared it with our product team.
Please keep that feedback coming- it helps us to take a new look at things through new perspectives.
Grateful to you for sharing with us.
@Mary Mac165 I believe @Tyler.Kron-Piatek26 is asking about what is in the March release notes, not the languages available in the community, as per the following item in the March release notes:
User Management and Settings – Easily change language preferences using the User Menu | NewYes, additional language packs need to be purchased for your Learning Environment. Can you clarify how this impacts changing the name of your Learning Environment?