Dataset extracting issue in ADF - status code 400 Bad Request
Hi everyone, I built a pipeline in Azure data factory to download bright space datasets in batches. Some of the datasets extracting gave me HTTP 400 Bad request error. What confused me is some of the datasets extracts worked, some didn't. The download link URL is like this:…
Workshop Booking Calendar widget
Hi Team I tried to create a workshop booking calendar with a search function with out system admin being able to add events but i needed the OAUTH2 code and the my brightspace instance do you know where I would get these things? I then tried to change it so the events where added in a separate widget but populated in the…
Devcop instance?
I have developed an assessment tool that I would like to hook up to d2l for grade passback. The github says "If you are not a member, you can easily join in order to access credentials for the Devcop instance." However, when I follow the link (https://community.brightspace.com/SelfRegistration) and attempt to register, it…
importing release conditions in course package?
(Third time is the charm, I hope…thought I had posted to the developers community earlier but apparently posted on a different forum!) I am working on a GUI in python and Qt that allows me to modify announcements efficiently for populating a course by uploading zip file (news_d2L.xml and imsmanifest.xml). The core…
Is there an API content type where any user type can read & write to a created data instance?
I'm working on a BrightSpace-integrated port of an existing fully external custom data service where an important requirement would be Learners being able to make booking content that any other user, regardless of type, can see and edit provided they have service-unique permissions. I have repurposed the API's discussion…
Checking special access for user across multiple quizzes
Using the API, we need to review the list of quizzes in a course (only four) and see if a user has been granted special access and attempted the quiz, then assign/grant special access to a quiz they haven't attempted. Just want to verify our logic with people that have been doing this for awhile (this is new for me): Get…
Python script to connect to Brightspace API
Hello Everyone, I just joined this community. I am asking this question for a colleague (supervisor) who is trying to connect to the Brightspace API using python. We tried the postman (I am new to all of this so pardon my ignorance) which works fine, but when we try to get a response using python script, we get an error.…
Creating Topics and Modules via API - working examples?
Hi all, I'm looking for examples of creating modules and topic via the API. I'm learning using postman to ensure each request has the correctly formatting JSON and reading the documents. I regularly get 400 errors due to my JSON being incorrect. Debugging this requires a lot of removing & editing lines and it can be very…
Postman or D2L MAC Issue
When I click Get New Access Token in Postman, it take me to our org SSO page for signing into D2L, but once the authorization is passed, I get this screen. My browser is set to Chrome, I see our D2L logo so this tells me something on D2L isn't processing correctly or Postman can't seem to open the authorization process in…
Power Automate Custom Connector help
Has anyone created a custom connector in Power Automate for Brightspace APIs? Good ol' AI has been helping me limp slowly towards a solution, but now I'm stuck. I'm trying to build one that gets Brightspace datasets. All my API calls are working in Postman. I managed to create a custom connector that authenticates. I added…