Quiz defaults
Hi, is there a way to set up quiz defaults so that these specific options load every time I create a new quiz? Thanks. Best regards, Sasa Bradic
SCORM Object Grade Item
Is anyone successfully linking to an external program with the name of the user and SCORE of the SCORM object? For example, we have a tracker system that includes codes and we link to the quiz ID and Course ID for reporting back to the interface so that the course is then marked off as completed in our roster process. I…
Spaces that I Need Deleted
I would like every line to look like line number 1 with location and object and the two blanks all on one line. However, number 2, 3 and following have an extra space that is added. I have tried html and everything else I can think of to make this space after 2. location: go away. Thanks in advance…
How do I get a paper copy of my Brightspace exam?
I need a paper print-out of an exam that was created in Brightspace. I don't see any way to export the quiz, I tried going to preview, start quiz, but when I try to print from this screen it only prints the first couple questions.
Is it possible to create a quiz that will give the student full credit for simply submitting it?...
Is it possible to create a quiz that will give the student full credit for simply submitting it? What we would like to do, ideally, is to have the quiz associated with a scheme that gives 100% for anything over 1 point, but that doesn't seem to work. Ideally each quiz item would still be worth points, so the instructor…
What are the indications in D2L quizzes that AI / WA has been used?
I have quizzes in which students have clearly used AI to populate answers: -when I 'copy-paste' from D2L into WORD, there is a black background behind the text: is this an indication of CHAPT-GPT/ AI? -I see the same answer many times, and for some reason, the font is in RED: is this copy paste from WhatsApp? What other…
Identifying Quiz Question Items Imported from Question Libraries
I've run into cases where it is assumed that a question on a quiz has been imported from a question library, but instead the quiz question is not associated with the equivalent item that may have been imported into the question library from another course or quiz. As a result the items need to be edited in both the quiz…
LOR - Unit pages, Quizzes and Assignments
Hi, Was wondering if anyone had any tips on best approach to using the LOR for entire course offerings. We want to be able to offer the same course offering to 10-20 different partners, and the plan is to put the course offering in the LOR, then using that content in the LOR make it available in each of the 10-20 seperate…
Quiz with mandatory questions and Enforced time
There seems to be a logical problem when I have a quiz with mandatory questions and enforced time. If the time ends and mandatory questions are still not answered, it forces the student to answer those questions before the quiz can even be submitted. Any answers passed the enforced time is not saved. So it is a waste of…
I created several multiple choice quizzes, I then switched to "Learber" to take the quizzes, after I submitted the quizzes I realized I am not in the grade book to see the scores. Is there another way to view the quizzes?
Content Cannot be Rendered
I have gone in as a student to test the course and quizzes. I receive the message "This content item cannot be rendered" for some of the quizzes, yet they are all set to be visible to students. Do you know why this is and what I can do about it? Thanks…
Supporting adaptive assessments
We're working with our testing center to explore putting our writing placement exam into Brightspace. The goal is to create an assessment that helps students self-identify what writing (or reading/writing) course they should register for. The quiz tool doesn't support adaptive branching (currently), so I'm curious if…
QuickEval Showing Full Classlist For Quizzes
Has anyone noticed that in QuickEval, the number of people that shows up for quizzes seems to account for all of the people in the class and not students, see the screenshot below. If I go to Evaluate All/Submission List, it will only show one student.
Drawing Responses on an iPad Using Brightspace Quizzes
Wondering if anyone has any luck with setting up a Brightspace question where students can reply by drawing a diagram or model using an iPad/Apple Pencil. I know you can use the Pencil to take the exam, but the handwritten type turns into typed text via the iPad's Scribble functionality.
Remove username from the quiz
The quiz displays the Learner's username to them in two places: the start quiz screen and the submission screen. In Language management we are able to remove it from displaying on the start quiz screen. However, on the submission screen we can only edit the actual word "username", no variable to change for the display of…
Count only best score of 3 quizzes
I would like students to have the option to take 1, 2, or 3 different quizzes on a particular topic where only the top score is counted in the grade book. If I drop the lowest 2 in a category, that doesn't work because then they have to take all 3 to get any score at all. I'd like only the highest score of the 3 different…
Quiz Types for Various Situations
*) I am using ordering quizzes for some of the quizzes in my course. Unfortunately, with the curriculum being uses, some of them are not one answer per number. 1 is a separate answer from the answer that follows the comma. I don't know how I can make these into ordering quizzes since there are two separate answers for…
I need to create a paper quiz - Brightspace won't let me select all
My college was hit with a computer virus last week. Its looking like I'll need to have a paper quiz ready for my students on Wednesday May 3rd. I've Googled this subject and none of the YouTube Gurus and/or various university gurus procedures work. They all appear to have worked in 2018. They all eventually say: "Click…
Issue with Fill in the Blank Quizzes Marking Incorrectly
When I test a fill in the blank quiz using the answer key, I get answers wrong. Once I got 15/16 and once I got 14/16. The issue seems to be with "Case Insensitive" which isn't working the way I would expect. Even thought I set the quiz up to tell me incorrect answers it shows ALL my answers and doesn't tell me which ones…
How can we stop students from writing a quiz after the due date and end date?
I want to run a quiz from 1 PM to 2 PM. I want the students to be unable to continue writing at 2PM. The timer feature does not accomplish this. If i set the time to be 60 minutes and a student begins at 1:30 they are then allowed to write until 2;30. I want all students to stop at 2 PM. There must be a way to add this…